17-year-old Rowan Atkinson, electrical engineering student at Newcastle University, 1972.

by Shiny-Tie-126

  1. 17 years old at an English university. Had he skipped a year? Because usually it’s 18+.

  2. Does anyone else find it very shocking that there was only 1 series of Mr bean and only 15 episodes? I could have sworn as a kid I saw 100 episodes

  3. I thought Rowan Atkinson went to Oxford. The more you know.

    I wonder if he based his most famous character Mr Bean off anyone. 🤔

  4. He looks like one of the women who used to go and get their hair permed with my nan. He looks young but old at the same time.

  5. Fun fact, I went to school with Rowan’s nephew. His dad (Rowan’s brother) are twins. Had to double take first time when I saw my mates dad thinking it was Rowan.

  6. I’m also an electrical engineer and I’m honored to say that I act just like Mr.Bean in social settings.

  7. I thought this was r/vintageladyboners for a second and was like um………you do you ig

  8. An old neighbour of mine grew up on the same street as him. Apparently no one would play with him as he was weird

  9. Did they have personal statements back then? I’ve been so engrossed in university applications recently that’s the first thing that came to mind 😭.

  10. Dude has been an absolute baller his entire life. Those frames were the same worn by the very famous, very successful, and laureates.

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