Sadiq’s comment

by moleman3000

  1. Those are good values, and it’s a relevant time to re-state them. Like him or not I don’t know why this post is copping the negative comments that it is.

  2. His idea of pro diversity absolutely shits over the idea of being pro women and pro human rights. Who tf actually swallows this shit anymore?

  3. Easy when u put all of those together, you can’t deny one thing u gotta deny all 4…

    Only 3/4 of those matter to some of us. Others even less.

  4. Lol some of the replies in here are ridiculous, if you can’t see why he’s doing this in the immediate aftermath of what America’s just done then you have a different axe to grind.

  5. Let the prodigal cousins return to this side of the pond. Make sure you bring your savings too… Trump’s voters can muck about on their own. 🙂

  6. For now. The hate of Trump will infect the world. The rest of the world acts like they’re safe when they’re not

  7. Polite request to Sadiq. Please do less of telling us what to think and making empty promises. Just focus on some execution. You have 3 areas of ‘competence’
    – policing – desperately failing
    – housing – desperately failing
    – transport – ok-ish, but starved of investment by his refusal to raise fares with inflation…for 8 years!

    You know what’s not in his competency area as Mayor…diplomatic/foreign relations

  8. He’s acting a fool and hasn’t a diplomatic bone in his body. He should read a foreign policy or geopolitical book in the near future.

  9. For everyone 🙄 is it for everyone when 100,000 march for a political ideology every week. Is it for the kids losing their lives to knife crime. The guy is a cretin

  10. Does this mean you’ll take in political refugees? Because we are not ok over here in the States

  11. London is only for Khan’s money making schemes and to Tax everyone to death! Public Services are getting worse and not better.

  12. Khan is forgetting that the people who got Trump elected are in big part conservative ethnic minorities and women. 

  13. The irony is London is the only place in the uk where you can’t get an abortion! Tower Hamlets!! My friend was told to go to a different borough which caused immense delays and strain on. Her health! So pro women!

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