Not that anyone would choose to live in Ballykeel, but still pretty unhinged.

by redditshieldsnonces

  1. Why shouldnt local people have first dibs on a house? Why should the working class be forced to compete with the needs of the international community?

  2. That’s what estate agents in Belfast did after Loyalist paramilitaries staged a campaign of racist attacks on families living on the Donegall rd and around The Village.

    IIRC it was after this attack –

    where they assaulted two pregnant Chinese women and also attacked a Ugandan family, one of whom was pregnant. Not much changes though considering this is from today. [](

  3. The funny thing about it is, the local is paying a premium *just* because they’re local.

    But the funnier thing is they’re paying extra to rent in ballykeel πŸ˜‚

  4. I’m assuming sensible rent means inflated? Because there’s no fucking way that’s the going rate for a flat like that in Ballymena is there?

  5. Cry about it loool same people who cry about not enough housing if ya dont like it fuck affπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ–•

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