I was wondering to make a comparison

Se qualcuno di voi conosce l’italiano, [https://quifinanza.it/soldi/video/quanto-costa-mantenere-cane-prezzi/410824/](https://quifinanza.it/soldi/video/quanto-costa-mantenere-cane-prezzi/410824/)

  1. Same as in France, if you exclude that to own certain pets you need a larger house or a garden (and so we go in the crazy Monaco rent discussions).

    Cost of life in Monaco, excluding rent and unless you choose more expensive stuff (which is certainly widely available), is the same as neighbouring France and italy as you will buy stuff in France and italy.

  2. about average as far as Western Europe goes. Vets won’t price gouge you like they do in Canada and the US, and the quality of care is there.

    Mandatory reminder to stay away from the scams they call “pet health insurance”.

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