Service is not included. what do they mean by this ? they wont pay waiters if they dont get tips. where are they learning from. this is not America. I see more and more restaurants doing this in Poland. I always give tip in restaurants but this type of thing make me wanna tip less.

Service is not included. what do they mean by this ? they wont pay waiters if they dont get tips. where are they learning from. this is not America. I see more and more restaurants doing this in Poland. I always give tip in restaurants but this type of thing make me wanna tip less.

  1. They’re paying their waiters normally. What they meant was probably “hey, our waiters would appreciate some extra tips (wink, wink)”. Probably they’re on good terms with the staff so they didn’t mind including message like this in the bill.

    In Poland we don’t have tipping culture in general, as we assume money spent on the meal is honestly divided between staff and owners. That’s why a lot of locals also have things like tip jar with funny message like “we’re saving for a trip to Micronesia” cause hey, money is fun and they can encourage tipping for a good service this way.

  2. No one will be upset/angry if you don’t tip, they earn at least minimum wage(if they’re students it’s around 4.5 USD/h) working there.

  3. This is normal and you’ll find text like this in most places in Europe. They’re just telling you they didn’t include service charge because some restaurants (especially nicer ones and especially if you come in a larger group) will include a 10-20% charge from the start. Then if you don’t want to pay it, you have to be the dickhead that asks to have it removed from your bill!

  4. No, I think you overthought it.

    It’s just a friendly reminder they didn’t include service into the check like some restaurants do (which I find absolutely disgusting). I think this is quite an elegant way to ask for tips instead of just forcing you to pay them in the bill. If the service was nice, this would definitely encourage me to leave something extra.

  5. Tipping is a cancer. Seriously. It’s the owner, who should pay his staff more enough to be satisfied (while it should be reasonable). But many restaurants in Poland doesn’t even bother to hire people on any form of working contract (which is illegal but it’s still a practice).

  6. A bit of a tangent but I’ve never seen service by a waiter/server being referred to as “Serwis” in Poland. My first thought seeing it here was: “oh, they fix stuff?”. Second thought was: “no, that’s stupid. Did they mean I have to pay for the dishes?”.

    “Obsługa” seems more fitting.

  7. In Poland, most of the restaurants have policy that you pay service charge if you come as a group (10 people or more) most of the time it just 10 percent of the bill.

    Other than that tios are appreciated but not mandatory.

  8. I don’t know how did it look in your case but there is a practice that not that many know about, to charge for service in a case of larger groups of people ( I think is more than 5). My aunt who used to be a waitress told me that this practice is nothing new.

  9. In some restaurants in Poland they add the service as a percentage onto the bill. This is just info saying that that is not included here

  10. They are paid normally. Don’t tip if you do not want to, it’s not a culture in PL. What they meant is more of a “Yo, you could toss a few ZŁ if u want”

  11. American shit!

    Glad to already know that this will backfire anywhere else in the world let alone in Europe.

    No! Nops! Nie! Kurwa nie! Won’t tip. Service is already shitty restaurants in Poland anyway.

  12. It just means none of the receipt is the tip. Nothing less, nothing more. You can tip, but they do have normal wages and nobody expects you to do so

  13. My experience is that many tourists assume that the tip is included. On recieps in Czech the recieps have to have the tax vat amount of 15% in the summary and most of the tourists were actually thinking it was the service amount so clarification would be good.

    As a ex waiter I’m not exactly a fan of passive aggressive stamps with a smiley face. On the other hand the tipping culture has already been a thing for a long time in Europe too, at least anywhere they pay minimum wage, which in Prague is mostly everywhere. So at least the option to tip gives You option to appretiate and to motivate the staff to make a good job.

    If one is being cheap, no one is stopping him. If one is not tipping, yet feels bad about being expected a tip and needs to argue about it, maybe going to restaurants is just above his paygrade.

    I would prefer as well if there were no tips and the people in hospitality were paid properly, unfortunately that is not the case knowing how the owners think and how the employee market is.

    And honestly, as a customer, if You had the option would, You rather pay everyone enough despite the quality of the service having everything included in the price of the food being more expensive, or having the food cheaper and having the option to valuntarily appretiate the quality of the service Yourself? The system sucks, but after all, it just makes sense, unfortunately.

  14. By “serwis nie jest wliczony” the restaurant meant that they didn’t put an additional charge on you for having to serve a group of people. It has nothing to do with tips. It’s more of a “special care” when the restaurant has to accommodate a large group of people at once. I hope this explanation is sufficient.

  15. Born and raised in fuckin Polska. Since I remember I always tipped pizza guys, and waiters when I had at least few złotys. Never liked when my friends were upset that they have to pay extra 5 zł to someone who just served 8 meals to a group.

    Saying tipping is not Polish culture/mentality is as bad as saying we are not racist we just very intolerant 😂. Its just YOU that is cheap not the whole Polish culture.

    Some is doing their job at serving, delivering. Trust me, whether is Usa or Poland this people really don’t make much. If you don’t agree you really dont have a clue about service food industry

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