Tales of killer wild boar in UK are hogwash, say environmentalists | Wildlife

Tales of killer wild boar in UK are hogwash, say environmentalists | Wildlife

  1. I met two sows with litters in a wood in the Wye valley a few years ago. We looked at each other for a moment and then the larger of the two gave a snort and they all turned round and trotted off.

    I understand the folk who moan they dig up their lawns in search of worms, but the idea of them being dangerous is pathetic. Might as well be afraid of squirrels

  2. I’ve seen a big cat in Co Durham. Black with a clear big cat tail not a fluffy but a ropey one. There’s more than adequate prey, and humans taste shit. Be nice to piggy and kitty.

  3. boar run away when they see/smell/hear people. Eating sheep, never heard of that. Maybe dead sheep. they will probably eat a dead sheep. Deer will eat bits of dead animal.

  4. I have a pet wild boar, rescued as an injured 2 week old piglet a couple of years back. The only people who claim they are killers are twats with small genitals playing at Mighty Hunters – because of course if you start shooting at 130kg of angry wild pig with tusks, it’s going to charge you.

    They normally don’t give a shit about people, will have a sniff and a snort and then wander off.

    Boar are common here, and they are vital to maintaining a healthy forest ecosystem. I live at the edge of a Unesco Globalpark, and boars are key to maintaining the area. The UK’s countryside will benefit immensely from them.

  5. They are no more dangerous to humans than a stag in the rut is. Its a big animal so don’t get to close.
    But they are a nightmare for farmers. They will annihilate your ground in search of food.

    Here are some photos of the aftermath of a few boar visiting a local gold course:


    Personally I think it is great that they are back in the wild, but like deer the populations will need monitoring and controlled via hunting to keep them in balance.

  6. Is that just UK boar? I see stories about people being randomly killed by boar in Japan all the time. So many videos of boar running pensioners over when they’re out shopping.

  7. Some appeared in a rural town near me a couple of months ago. Not sure where they came from (I guess they escaped from somewhere), but it was interesting seeing them about. Lots of people on the local Facebook page sharing sightings of them.

    I think there was about 10, including some baby ones.

    Then one day a woman (recording the whole thing on video) comes across them with her dog. She goes right up to them instead of letting them pass, then her dog starts barking at them. One of the Boars charges her and knocks her over.

    A few days later in the local paper they’ve blasted on the front page “WILD BOAR ATTACK”, talking about the woman’s horror and how the attack was unprovoked and so forth. Super frustrating to read after seeing her video.

    It was a mix of some locals thinking she was an idiot and some thinking the boars should be killed. And then the next week someone went out and shot them all, which was legal apparently.

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