Elon Musk Said There Is No Ukrainian Partisan Movement. Ukraine’s Partisans Are Furious

Elon Musk Said There Is No Ukrainian Partisan Movement. Ukraine’s Partisans Are Furious

by Silly-avocatoe

  1. Why does he keep talking?


    Elon Musk has claimed that there is no “significant” Ukrainian resistance movement in Russian-occupied areas of Ukraine, sparking a furious response from partisans who have been wreaking havoc behind enemy lines since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion.

    Speaking in an online discussion on X on Monday, the billionaire claimed that those currently living in occupied areas of Ukraine would actually “vote to be part of Russia.”

    To back up his argument, he added: “One has to ask why there is not a significant insurgency in eastern Ukraine.

    “If they are so against being part of Russia you would expect to see a significant insurgency and you just don’t see that.”

    “So, I think the reality is at least some parts of eastern Ukraine and Crimea actually wish to be part of Russia,” he said.

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    As well as glossing over a years-long campaign to Russify areas of Ukraine occupied since 2014, Musk also appeared to ignore the overwhelming evidence of a significant partisan and insurgent movement that has only escalated since February of last year.

    Kyiv Post reached out to several Ukrainian partisan groups to ask them what they thought of Musk’s comments.

    One, Mariupol Resistance, responded in no uncertain terms with a phrase that roughly translates into English as: “We would pull his eyes to his ass. No conversation. [Ми йому б глаз на дупу натягнули. Без розмов].”

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    They added: “Apparently photos and information [of partisan activity] from Mariupol just appear by themselves? And cars just explode by themselves?”

    Ukrainian resistance movements are highly active in Russian-occupied Ukraine and have scored numerous major successes in recent months.

    Their activities are coordinated by a special branch of the Ukrainian military called the National Resistance Center (NRC), established in February 2022 in the early days of Russia’s full-scale invasion.

    Perhaps most notably, partisans played a key role in two devastating missile strikes on Russia’s Black Sea Fleet (BSF) during September, recruiting Russian servicemen who then relayed information about the location of both ships and top BSF personnel.

    Several ships and a submarine were destroyed and the BSF HQ in Sevastopol was later hit in a strike that may have killed the BSF commander himself.

    Elsewhere, partisans are highly active in Mariupol where, according to reports, more than 40 Russian officers have been poisoned to death.

    Partisans also conduct crucial reconnaissance. Just last week a group infiltrated Russia’s Nizhny Novgorod Airfield, exposing a hideout for Russian fighter jets.

    Another partisan group, Yellow Ribbon which is active in Crimea, described Musk’s comments as “groundless.”

    They told Kyiv Post: “There is resistance on the temporarily occupied territories (TOT) – both active guerrilla and non-violent resistance.

    “We have a huge amount of resistance materials from the inhabitants of the TOT, each ribbon, poster, graffiti, burned newspaper, poster is proof of the resistance of the inhabitants of the TOT.

    “From Donetsk to Crimea, people resist the occupiers, even after 9 years of occupation, they know that Donbas and Crimea are Ukraine.”

    During the online discussion between Musk and his venture capitalist and friend David Sacks, he also insisted Ukraine should “normalise” relations with Russia despite the country having launched an illegal and unprovoked invasion.

    He said: “We should stop sacrificing the flower of Ukrainian youth in trenches pointlessly and do and, and, and do a ceasefire and, and begin the process of renormalization relations with Russia.”

    Musk – who grew up in South Africa – added: “I mean, they’re, they’re quite literally cousins, Ukraine had family in Russia. People in Russia have family in Ukraine.

    “So like what, what I’m trying to say is that these are not natural adversaries, they had their grievances, but they, they are, you’re quite literally family and, and I think we in the West are sort of pushing them to kill their, their sons.”

    “And, and it seems wrong to me to do that to add to the, the, the regional tragedy there is the civilizational risk that we are brewing by making Russia a pariah to the West.”

  2. Self-absorbed asshole is having “diarrhea of the mouth, constipation of the brain” again…. 🤦‍♂️🙄🖕

  3. Yoooo! I use the same phrase too; the one about pulling their eyes up their asses! But I finish it with: i morgat zastavlyu; means “and make you blink”.

  4. Tesla was built on his cult of personality, and it will crumble from it as well.

    This is interesting to watch.

  5. For the clown that he is, Elon isn’t funny.

    He should focus on his rockets and cars because on everything else he is a joke.

  6. What a dumb ass. How do people get rich and then just think they are experts on everything. His companies really need to remove him from the board.

  7. Musk, just do the modern world a favor and move to Russia so that we don’t have to suffer your perpetual edgy teenage phase.

  8. Elon Musk: There is no real Ukrainian partisan movement behind Russian lines.

    Ukrainian partisans: Are you kidding right now?

    Many, many dead Russian partisan targets: Yeah, are we nothing to you???

  9. What is wrong with this guy? Another billionaire eugenicist like Putin. He thinks he gets a say in this, as an honorary oligarch. The arrogance is stunning. Hey, thanks for ruining Twitter and helping with the spread of disinformation.

    edit: I wonder if he has his eye on Ukraine’s cobalt deposits.

  10. Ukraine hurt his feelings, so now he will say anything at all, no matter how ludicrous, to show how lame and pathetic is.

    He is a man child.

  11. The best way to make him keep his stupid thoughts to himself is just to attack his business. Reviews are heavy weapon in Internet fights

  12. I really hope Elon has seen his last government contract. Force him into bankruptcy and make him sell everything.

  13. All you need to do is look at how few Ukrainians in occupied areas are fighting for the russians.

    I was dumb founded when I looked at the numbers. I though they were a significant force because those 2 states were already rebelling before this war. Nope.

  14. Why do people listen to this idiot anymore?

    He is only in it for himself just like any other billionaire.

    Might not have started like that but it is the case now and has been for a while.


    Stay out of politics musk.

  15. Fucking prick should shut the fuck up and concentrate on his failing social media platform.

  16. Just stfu Musk, you’ve got that same smug, self important – punchable – face that Trump has, and you’re not far behind him in the ‘chatting shit’ stakes.

  17. I wish to be part of Europe, but was out voted. I assume Europe will soon invade Britain so that I can be part of Europe?

  18. So what is he saying about Israel and Hamas he has been very silent on that topic but his platform is at risk of being shut down because of Pro Hamas content so I can guess who he supports. Europe needs to take a stand and maybe it is time to block X in europe and we will not have to listen to an idiot on things he knows nothing about.

  19. Really should ask yourself – why does this apartheid blood emerald heir industrialist have strong opinions on the Ukraine war at all?

    Why does he choose to spend any time on this instead of his failing business empire. Why is this a priority?

    Ignore him. Fight the fights that matter.

  20. I would expect Ukrainian partisans to have more important things to do than get angry with Musk.

    If you are a Russian collaborator, officer, public official and live in an Russian occupied area, Musk is right, don’t believe the haters, there are no Ukrainian partisans, your car is fine, get out, enjoy life, no need to look over your shoulder.

  21. I hope Elons companies can no longer get government contracts. Let him sell space x to a mature adult that shares our American beliefs.

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