Putin wirft dem Westen in einer Schimpftirade vor, Russland „zerstückeln und ausplündern“ zu wollen

Putin wirft dem Westen in einer Schimpftirade vor, Russland „zerstückeln und ausplündern“ zu wollen

by boomership

  1. I love how all of his stupid rants essentially boil down to him somehow being smart enough to see the West’s evil plans for the destruction of Russia, yet he was fucking stupid enough to walk right into them anyway

  2. Vlad and his oligarch cronies already stripped the country down to the studs before the invasion.

  3. “We failed our shitty, inhumane takeover of a neighbor we pledged peace with years back.”

    *puts stick in spoke*

    “How could the West do this do us?”

  4. Hey deranged heads of state that are also huge liars…we can see you. This isn’t 1982, everything is on the internet, we see everything you do. You’re not doing a good job. Maybe try not being such an asshole.

  5. Has he tried not genociding other countries instead?

    Just saying, maybe Putin could try fucking off back to his own country instead of literally raping other ones.

  6. Isn’t Russia trying to dismember and plunder Ukraine right now? Always projection with these folks.

  7. The same dictator story:
    “Our powerful enemy is destroying our state from the inside and leads to us suffering. We must destroy the inferior enemy!”

    Your enemy is always both superior and inferior, yet no one in your powerful state was capable of detecting the enemy. Really amazing to see how history really repeats itself.

  8. “If they can’t do it by force, they will try to sow strife,” he said

    That’s literally the Russian playbook. Sometimes one has to look inward.

  9. In order for the AP, a news source that tries really hard to be unbiased, to call it “a ranting speech” it must’ve been reaaaalllllyyyy unhinged!

  10. “We are now fighting for the freedom of not only Russia, but the whole world”

    “ diversity and unity of cultures, traditions, languages, and ethnic groups simply don’t fit into the logic of Western racists and colonialists, into their cruel scheme of total depersonalization, disunity, suppression and exploitation.”

    “And I want to emphasize: without a sovereign, strong Russia, no lasting, stable world order is possible,”

    So cringe. So painful to read.

  11. Plunder Russia? After 5 minutes you’d realise there’s nothing worth stealing and maybe even leave a few quid out of pity. Possibly tidy up, a bit.

  12. Bruh, your frontline were gobsmacked at the concept of indoor plumbing.

    You have nothing we want.

    *edit further*

    Actually – I found the region, the people, the architecture, and the language fascinating. I was self-studying the language, and learning a ton!

    Then you invaded Ukraine and outed yourselves as uncultured barbarians. I lost interest.

  13. Nobody fucking cares about taking Russia resources. All we want is for them to not be massive dicks to all their neighbors, and not brainwash the fuck out of their populace. In a perfect world, Russia would be a much more integrated and accepted country in the international community. The only reason they aren’t, is because they keep doing stupid, aggressive shit.

  14. Nobody in the West wants to do that to Russia. Seriously, too much trouble for too little reward.

    But you know who might? China.

    Putin’s biggest “accomplishment” in office has been to make Russia completely dependent on China, in a way no European power ever has before.

    He’s exactly right about Russia’s future. Russia will be carved up and stripped of its resources by their powerful neighbors.

    He’s just looking in the wrong direction.

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