Press Preview: Wednesday’s papers

Press Preview: Wednesday’s papers

You are watching The Press preview a first look at what’s on the front pages as they arrive in the next half hour we’ll see what’s making the headlines with journalist and broadcaster Tom latchum and former conservative MP who’s now the chief executive of the charity business in the community Mary

McLoud so let’s see what’s on some of the front pages for you now well the times claims the conservatives will cut The Upfront cost of a home for firsttime buyers as a pre-election giveaway to win over younger voters the PM and Chancellor were considering announcing three-year spending review plans for public

Services before the general election that’s according to the ey the telegraph reports Rishi sunak plans to end inheritance tax to boost his chances at the next election a former head of gchq has called for an end to the government handling crisis via the WhatsApp messaging service that’s according to

The guardian the financial times says Global Banks cut more than 60,000 jobs in 2023 marking one of the biggest years for cuts since the financial crisis the express has campaigners calling for hospital car parking fees to be banned after patients visitors paid nearly 200 million in a single year

That’s also the main story for the mirror it says parking charges have increased by 50% over the last year the male claims more than 70 children age three and four have been sent to the controversial NHS transgender clinic and the star says the UK is facing five storms in 9 days with Winds

Of up to 80 mil an hour as 2024 begins and reminded that by scanning the QR code you’ll see on screen during the program you can check out the front pages of tomorrow’s newspapers while you watch us and we are joined tonight by Tom latchum and Mary McLoud welcome to

You both good to see you let’s start with the Daily Telegraph uh shall we and this report about um number 10 planning to end uh inheritance tax scrapping that uh tax before the election Tom take us into this uh well it’s one of just a number of a number of stories I think

There’s an election coming isn’t there I think you can tell might uh and conservatives it sort of feels a little bit desperate really I it’s all about property it’s all about housing it’s about inheritance and you just think you’ve had quite a long time to do all

This stuff and you haven’t done it yet but but we’re now saying we’re going to do it and what is interesting about this story I think is that it’s actually tiny the number of people that impacts you know the conservative party are pulling dismally I mean they’re pulling dism

With with everybody and and and we might come to that a bit later but they’re pulling dismally particularly among young people this inheritance tax right 4% of households pay inheritance tax each year and inh and inheritance tax really is only on uh anything above £325,000 who who are they appealing to who do

They think well you’re right it does affect a small number small percentage of people but it is still uh a vote winner because it’s something that does concern people people do get quite but they get quite exercised by it but for sure but it must be that they don’t

Really understand it because it doesn’t really impact most people that’s what I find most weird about inheritance tax you know we talk talk about the um income tax Etc but really there is a huge amount of money going to be transferred from like record amount of money going to be transferred from

Boomers to young people and yeah I I just think It Anyway Bank of mom and dad Mary it’s it’s an aspirational sort of tax that people want to be included in that bracket I supp I think a lot of people would say it’s just an unfair tax

So you’re right it’s a small number of people and although it does go further down it’s not just a really Wealthy on some of this because there’s lots of people who’ve really struggled to buy their homes over many years and they want to actually pass that on to to

Their children um so I think it’s just the the fairness of people say that money is already been taxed so to be taxed again and it does get a lot of attention for whatever reason and I think it probably is around fairness Daily Telegraph and these are

Exactly the sort of people that that this people care about but I’ve got I’ve got to say I don’t think it matters to many people and that’s why I think it’s a strange one to be but you’ll find a lot of things in the headlines that not that are things sometimes that don’t

Matter to many people but Tom do you not think that people do generally think it’s unfair whether it applies to them or not I guess some people do I mean I clearly don’t I’m probably not the right person to I mean I think 325,000 is a

Lot of money most people it’s not going to impact most people that’s why I find it really strange some of the other things that we’re seeing on you know I’m sure we’ll come to that they’re trying to do as vote winners will will have much more impact in terms of firsttime

Buyers of homes etc etc this I find strange but yes but I think internally probably the Prime Minister has no doubt had many of his MPS come to him conservative MPS come to him and push him on this it’s been something that’s been going on for such a long time um

And but if they’re trying if they’re trying to maintain the red wall I mean I suspect they’re they’re not going to but if they’re trying to this isn’t it well this to me this is I say it goes back to just looking at the fairness of attacks whether it’s it will win any

Additional votes what it may do and will come to no doubt in a moment is will it retain some of the conservative votes it may do let’s let’s go inside the time times and the uh the prime minister is a photographed pictured there jumping for joy although it doesn’t seem to have

Much to be joyous about just 6% say the Tories are are doing well uh but most aren’t sold on starma interestingly Enough Tom who are these 6% of people that think the Tories are doing well I’ve got to say you know public services are Str you can’t get a train without it

Being cancelled people can’t buy homes young people can’t get on the property ladder um we’ve got the highest tax burden in history who are the 6% that think the toys are doing well that’s what I find most bizarre that there are I’d love to meet them I’d really like 6%

Isn’t very much I know they’re not doing very well let’s don’t get too concerned about the 6% I mean I think what this story is more just talking about is that there are yes some that the sors are ining well there’ll be some that there are a lot of

People who are unsure and who don’t know and say none of the two main parties so that is 30% so that is um in that’s still a lot of votes to go for and and that’s why on even if um and there’s a lot can happen in a year so we don’t

Know when the election is it could be may it could be Autumn when do you think it’s going to you know you’re a former I don’t have the inside track these days um what you what did you think in your political I think they will be prepared for May because there

Are elections happening anyway in May but they will see how the economy is doing they will see if anything um has changed and turned if not was more likely to be an Autumn election but this shows I think this article is that starmer’s got work to do and to some

Extent I think labor are aware of that because I’ve heard them speaking about they’re not taking things for granted but there’s he can’t win an election on 43% he’s got to still appeal to others you say that people aren’t sold on starma but also part just below this in

The poll says who would you trust more to handle on the following issues and labor went on every single one of them immigration the economy climate change ands okay those two you’d probably say they would anyway and then crime what they haven’t put on here but that’s

That’s all data there’s data from the end of August saying exactly the same thing saying the conservatives were only trusted on defense and security and but I go back to my other point whether you trust them more is is something different but actually are they convinced that are still at least 30% of

BR a lot of apathy 30% of the UK electorate who are going actually we don’t believe in are they yet so this what makes it an interesting time I think going into hopefully a year where we can hope a bit more is an election where both part all parties can put

Forward their vision for their positive view on how they can change this country for the better but when you have that that question who would you trust more to handle the following issues when you see that on the Ness labor polling 41% and the Tores just 133% I mean labor

Miles Ahead yeah yeah every single but but I’d also say a week’s a long time in politics as we’ve seen on many occasions so it’s so there’s still I mean the the electorate will decide um and yes the polls are definitely in Labor’s favor but it’s going to be a

Wipe out what would you say as a as a what would you be happy with Focus bus rather than politics but it’s um I I don’t think it’ll be a wipe out I think every voter will as I say a there’s a week’s a long time in politics we don’t

Know what’s going to happen in the next few months never mind the next year we didn’t know Co was going to happen we didn’t know Financial crashes were going to happen so you never know what’s going to happen um and the electorate will decide um on the day um and but is shows

That all political parties have a huge amount of work to do and that the voters are actually wanting someone that they can believe in and that there’s hope for the future and that that somebody’s going to make things better and someone come to come up with credible policies

So starmer is ahead um but all parties have got to what do you think about starmer’s policy of of of sort of not doing very much and not saying very much it’s working so far how long can it hold for it may not hold that long because people absolutely want to know what

Specifically you’re going to do to deliver the change at the moment he’s ahead we shall see as you say let’s move to the financial times and this story of um the Russian ship being hit by Ukraine obviously uh Ukraine is zinsky um hailing this as a major a major win

Tom uh well I mean he you would you might say he would uh and and it probably is and and actually can’t have come at a better time for them given the all attention of the world has been on Gaza and and and obviously the horrors

That that are going on there there is something to be said for look you know we’re still here we’re still fighting well let’s put them back on front page hasn’t it indeed and it’s not and it’s not a stalemate which is which is what they would what they would be saying um

That’s a great it’s incredible photo uh with the with the Flames coming out of of the port and those sort of images they’re the sort of images that that win hearts and Minds among the ukrainians for example they’ll see that and you know it’s difficult to paint a

Picture of losses on uh of of losses on on you know in territories or territory gains etc etc seeing images like that will WIll Stoke their hearts Mary do you think this is a turning point I really hope so because because first of all just having it again on the

Front pages as you said is a reminder that it hasn’t gone away and that people are still dying and there’s a conflict happening um and therefore it’s really really important that we still are mindful of what’s going on um in the Ukraine H so so so this does I mean I

Think thought on this though you can never determine just what Putin’s going to do next and he has absolutely been pushing for territorial gain um and therefore so yes so so as the defense secretory said earlier that because of part the Russian fleet has been destroyed it there the r the do

Dominance in the Black Sea you know has certainly been challenged in in that way so there’s a there’s a positive side to this but I just feel there’s a long way to go yet in the in the Ukraine conflict and um and Russia are not going to stop

And Putin are just not going to stop at anything so I I really feel for the ukrainians and they they certainly have over the course of this conflict have done an incredible job of internationally telling the story getting support where they’ve needed it um and then of course you know countries

Like ourselves opening up homes and things to to refugees coming coming from Ukraine and Tom just finally in the times world before we go to to the break uh they’re describing it as a daring strike which um as we alluded to previously has raised morale in Ukraine

Yeah in their analysis in the Times by by Michael Evans he says the latest attack um destroyed the ship which is used for transporting Iranian drums gave Ukraine a filp at a time and victories on the battlefield have been few and far between but it is a stalemate isn’t it I

Mean it clearly is a stalemate 300,000 Young Russian men Plus have died for what yeah and we have been uh starting to see much vocal objection to that in Russia from their families from the for the wives and the families Left Behind Tom and Mary for the moment thank you very much we are going to take a break

Uh coming up we’ll be discussing this story on the front of the Daily Express looking at the soaring price that uh visitors and staff have been paying for for Hospital parking stay with us for more on That welcome back you are watching The Press preview still with me Tom latchum and Mary mlau that was Tom you heard giggling there I’ve outed you um let’s start with the Daily Express very bold headline taking over much of the front page end Scandal of ripoff Hospital parking charges uh what say you

Mary yeah this is something that people actually do care about because it’s we’ve all been to a hospital either because we’ve been ill or our loved ones been ill and we have wasted time and got stressed over parking and then then had to renew the parking and and kept Den

Eying it whilst you’re looking after a loved one or in an appointment and so it’s had really you know it’s a headline that I think people will absolutely relate to and and I think it’s it just feels again it’s the unfairness of putting such um high costs for for car

Parking or hospitals so I think I don’t well 200 million 200 million is a lot in a single year from visitors and staff yeah that’s an incredible figure yeah oh it it is and and and and that space could you could have free parking there

Um what I don’t know is where that money goes into whether it goes into the hospital and goes into the care system in some way the NJ system um don’t know very good point actually but but it’s still is just for people generally there might be another way of dealing with it

Where it’s just is stressful trying to find car parking then paying for it and and chasing to make sure you you don’t get clamped or um or get a fine so is that 50% uh in the last year uh from 146 million the bill for staff rocket is

More than 700% from 5.6 million to 46.7 million now K starma I know you obviously watch this program uh he’s a great policy why don’t you just get rid of Hospital parking it’s really you say it’s a big amount of money it really isn’t it’s a drop in the ocean 200

Million pounds when you think about the vast gargantuan sums we spend on all a whole manner of different things this is actually really small and it would play right to Labor’s uh to you know to the NHS to labor voters but cost you 200 million quid great policy if that money

Were going into the NHS which we don’t know maybe we can fat check that um in the break do you think people would mind paying maybe they should maybe should be find we find that out find out cu I don’t know whether it’s private companies running the car parts well

It’s all it’s usually the the apps right so like you know the various different ones that we you know that we can name but and I and and therefore and we might fact check this I suspect it doesn’t go into uh the hospital they may pay some back

But I mean I think that’s I think that’s a really great policy and it’s absolutely you might need to pay some money for the upkeep of of the car Parks but isn’t it’s not going to be 200 million c a year is it it’s a small percentage of that

Hospitals the amount they’re spending um as an overall budget uh but it’s but it’s certainly something that people will be nodding out and getting certainly ansted over and by the way it’s a classic of the genre you can tell it’s between Christmas and New Year NHS parking so let’s hope that sakir starm

Is watching as you suggest and uh he he doesn’t watch anything else your offer of um pre-election policy we just got time very quickly for the um Guardian uh front page and this is taking us uh back to the Israel Hamas War um the suggestion there that Israel’s coming

Under attack from Seven theaters Gaza Lebanon Syria Judea and Samaria Iraq Yemen and Iran Mary it just shows the complexity of it um it really is and and My worry is is that you know when will this end because it’s so complex um other people are being brought in and before you know

It it’s things have just escalated completely so it’s a it’s a it’s a very worrying um story for for everything that started on the the 7th of October um I don’t know then at that point what Hamas were thinking it would would get to but literally um it’s it it show it

Shows the the the amount of I think the Diplomatic that’s required diplomancy that’s required to actually try and solve this because we always say it should be people sitting around the table they’re trying to find a solution the previous solution hasn’t worked so there has to be some other solution to

This H because it’s just going to escalate if if nothing is done is done soon in this and of course our hearts go out to any of the innocent civilian ions that are killed as part of this process and there and the spread of the conflict because we read that US military

Installations across the the region have been um attacked as well so it’s it’s expanding I mean you you could say as well though that this is coming from the Israeli defense minister the world wants to ceasefire I mean you know 70% of British people plus want a ceasefire I

Mean I know that the the America r you know Biden isn’t yet calling for it and nor the the two main leaders in this country but the the world generally wants to ceas fire benjam Benjamin Netanyahu does not want a ceasefire he wants to continue he said it’s going to be a long

War is this them sort of trying to I don’t know uh speak to the world and say there is a reason why we want to continue okay Tom and Mary thank you very much for the moment

We take a first look at tomorrow’s front pages with journalist and broadcaster, Tom Latchem and the former Conservative MP Mary Macleod, who’s now the chief executive of the charity Business in the Community.

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    هاذا رقمي 00967716649494 واتساب 📞
    الذي يقدر يساعدنا يراسلني على الواتساب ارسل له ألاسم الكامل في بطاقة الهويه والعنوان يحولنا بقدر ما يستطيع الله يجزيكم خير الجزاء والاحسان والعطاء يارب العالمين انا بنت مسلمة من اليمن 🕋🕋┇┇↑↑↑'''''''''::⌈⌈⌈⌈⌈⌈⌈⌈⌈⌈⌈⌈⌈⌈⌈⌈⌈⌈⌈⌈⌈⌈⌈⌈⌈⌈⌈⌈⌈⌈⌈⌈⌈⌈⌈⌈⌈و

  2. The trouble with these press reviews is that the majority of the UK press is Conservative biased so Sky news just ends up helping them gaslight the public by ignoring the real scandals and issues.

  3. None of the Political Parties in the UK are really up to the challenges facing the country, let alone the backlog of neglect in practically EVERY service in EVERY area of the country. So it boils down to which one will do both the least amount of damage and the most amount of good over the next five years to the next election. If we REALLY wanted to address all the issues and problems facing our country, we would elect a Government of National Emergency and National Renewal and have it sit for a DECADE.

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