Jacques Delors – architect of euro and EU single market – has died | BBC News

The former European commission president jacqu delore has died at the age of 98 he was considered to be one of the founding fathers of modern Europe a passionate advocate in the 1980s and ’90s of closer European integration and a man who played a key role in the creation of the euro currency tonight

The French President Emanuel macron paid tribute to Mr delore saying he was a Statesman of French Destiny Adam Fleming looks back at his life he was the architect of modern Europe in the ‘ 80s and ’90s the president of the European commission thought the EU should come more closely together socially economically and

Politically some British conservatives reacted in horror no no no born to a workingclass devoutly Catholic Family Jac delore first became a banker in 1981 president miton appointed him Finance Minister four years later he headed for Brussels good friends they certainly aren’t but M Margaret Thatcher signed up to the

Single European act which tore down barriers to trade but Dore then championed something she couldn’t stomach this government has no intention of agreeing to the imposition of a single currency The Iron Lady saw him as Europe’s new bonapart that would be entering a federal Europe through the back door

Law the sun said the same in less diplomatic language in 1992 the mastri treaty laid the foundations of the Euro let’s look to the future with economic and monetary Union the 12 member countries can hope to draw the greatest possible benefits of a common economic area with its social Dimension

Too arguments over that future led to the downfall of Margaret Thatcher and John Major Gord Tony Blair and Gordon Brown disagreed on joining the euro in 2016 Britain decided enough was enough and laughed the British people have spoken and the answer is we’re out at times Financial crises in Europe

Have been blamed on the way The single currency was constructed but the high priest of European integration never had a doubt

Jacques Delors, who played a central role in the design of the euro and creation of the single market, has died aged 98.

Mr Delors served as European Commission president from 1985 to 1995, a period in which he championed closer European monetary and political union. He was hailed as a “statesman of French destiny” by France’s president Emmanuel Macron.

However to others at the time, like Britain’s Margaret Thatcher who opposed the single currency and European integration, he was regarded with deep suspicion, accused of seeking to build a “European super-state”.

Sophie Raworth presents BBC News at Ten reporting by Adam Fleming.

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  1. "He was regarded with deep suspicion, accused of seeking to build a "European super-state". Well that was the plan all along, the elimination of democracy and the death of the nation state was admitted to by the first EU Commissioner Walter Hallstein.

  2. Jacques Delors, carrying out the brainchild of “the evil genius of the Euro,” Robert Mundell:

    Removing a government's control over currency would prevent nasty little elected officials from using Keynesian monetary and fiscal juice to pull a nation out of recession.

    "It puts monetary policy out of the reach of politicians," he [Mundell] said. "[And] without fiscal policy, the only way nations can keep jobs is by the competitive reduction of rules on business."

    He cited labor laws, environmental regulations and, of course, taxes. All would be flushed away by the euro. Democracy would not be allowed to interfere with the marketplace – or the plumbing.
    —”Robert Mundell, evil genius of the euro,” The Guardian, 26 June 2012

  3. Jaques Delors always put the interests France first. He was a true patriot. As an Englishman I'm not sure he was batting for us ever but he was French so I can't fault him. RIP. Good bloke.

  4. The vision Delors and Schauble had for the EU guaranteed that the British could not lose control of their borders , money and laws to the EU and the EU caused the war in Ukraine not demanding Federal Government in 2014 excluding Crimea with our American Good Friday agreement 1998 reforms and are excluding the British trade partners worldwide from making UK trade agreements and cannot make GB trade agreements unless they agree to the EU border within the UK and their exports checked to EU rules and the precedence of EU law in NI and the British trade partners never agreed to be excluded from UK and GB trade agreements by both the UK and EU and that was the price of closer European union .

  5. Have no idea who dude was, RIP and Condols to his fam and friends. Eventually we all gonna be there as no escapes death. Lifes short, live it!🇺🇸🍻✌🏻

  6. Bugger, RIP you smart genius. Shame you never saw Britain, Denmark, and such drop their BS moneys for a continental one you designed, especially after Brexit by bloody idoits who rather leave than LED! You will be dearly missed and the Euro will be keep going strong 😊

    Here is to you mate ❤

  7. A powerful and influential French politician. A talented and influential man. Probably most famous in England for the newspaper headline 'Up Yours Delores'. He was never a big fan of the English lol.

  8. Hope his ideas work in South America, Africa, and Oceania (maybe parts of Asia but not the whole lot).

    North America should be divided.

    US and Canada should have an economic community between them but still different dollars (maybe Eco as Europe had before Euros) and other matters like militaries (Canada did have a significant medium millitary after WW2 until the USA interfered) and such.

    Mexico and the Central America could unite as they were for a couple of years.

    Carribbean maybe too…

    That's about it. Don't see the whole world joining up. That is just a dream of the Olympics lol 😊

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