Plastic surgery & beauty ideals – A hot topic from Iran to Brazil | Us & Them | DW Documentary

[Applause] I like my body I fought an endless war with my hips but today I look in the mirror and I think I’m really Pretty our bodies are an act of Courage her appearance really bothers me lose a little weight there were a lot of comments that hurt me in Brazil the concept of beauty is a fit defined woman with a tiny waist and a huge butt right you already had surgery you’re so

Pretty but I want to look a little better I would never think of doing that kind of Surgery I want to get a nose job I want to get no surgery work on my music and have a life full of love men need to be rough they need calluses on their hands I’m trying to reach my goals I’m fighting for my dreams you want to spend 25 million

Tomans on a nose job then what the market will think you’re beautiful we all want to look good right but sometimes our families have their own ideas of what’s beautiful as if it’s up to them young and old our realities and dreams can be so different seriously it seems like

There’s a huge gap between the generations sometimes we just don’t get each other the question is can we fix [Applause] It Everything okay it’s all good beauty hurts beauty hurts Botox once you start you’ll always want to do More without Botox you look like an angry woman you all right all good for my mother beauty is being thin she was that’s basically it like Barbie you Know I’m a big fan of plastic surgery I got a tummy tuck and had excess skin removed from my breast I’ve heard my mother say a lot oh if your breasts are like mine they’re going to Sag they’re going to droop they’re going to droop and get

Saggier and I joke with her that she should get implants too C think I would never choose to have surgery One of the people who lifts me up the most is Fernand my wife she always tells me how beautiful I am as a teenager I heard a lot that I needed to lose weight that I had to lose weight I felt like a disappointment and that my parents would never be proud of

Me when I started posting pictures it took a while to post one that showed my belly it was very hard to find that Courage I worked at a beauty clinic for seven years we did Fat freezing cellulite treatment laser hair removal her job was telling people what they should do to be more beautiful sometimes she even pointed out things that didn’t even bother them before I used to take cam to the clinic

To have procedures done sometimes it was of her own will or sometimes she would go to please me who knows I worked in the clinic so I needed a model that’s when we started whoa Camila’s mom has clear expectations about her daughter’s looks and no wonder in Brazil Beauty means status and

Opportunity Brazil’s number two in the world in the number of cosmetic surgeries USA is number one despite Brazil having fewer people with less money according to the surgeon who invented the world’s most dangerous plastic surgery the Brazilian buttlift it’s a human right to be beautiful some cosmetic surgeries are

Actually covered by Brazil’s public health system so Society here has clear expectations about appearances that’s some intense pressure Camila’s up Against my favorite Gra Daughter my family was always very traditional and I was always different you used to be more and now you’re less less Yeah but it would be good if she lost weight wouldn’t it just a little lose a little weight be more defined I was always fat and that was an issue then I came out as lesbian and that was another issue appearance is important too feeling good wearing nice

Clothes looks don’t mean anything so you think I’m ugly no I think you’re pretty it’s exhausting fighting these comments you just need to exercise I do do sometimes we use this discourse about health to cover up aesthetic pressure what does society say is beautiful who’s

On the cover of a magazine a woman who’s thin and blond stop stop right there my godfather had gastric bypass surgery a while ago he was always very fat they cut out a piece of your stomach so you can’t eat as much it’s a mega invasive surgery

If you ever think about getting your stomach stapled go for it because it’s wonderful it’s great it’s highly recommended but not by any doctor it’s recommended by my family I would never think of doing that kind of surgery I’m a musician I write lyrics I compose music and I sing I think appearance is really important to a singer’s growth and Success bring it up to your shoulder there you go take care your hands you’re working for your audience of course I like Beauty and I know my audience likes it Too I have no problem with women caring about their beauty their job in life is clear they do it for their husbands but I don’t understand it for men and boys nice work how are you you look great Raaz your body looks great one question did you get a nose job yeah

Really I was watching you thinking this guy looks perfect you look great too your nose is so beautiful I was sure you had a nose job I love how I look I like my eyebrows love my laugh but everyone has some Flaws manliness comes from strength and toughness nose jobs and eyebrow transplants don’t make you tough nose jobs and cheek surgery maybe tomorrow they’ll get breasts at least 60 or 70% of all Iranian girls have had a nose job it’s no different for boys either so risa’s Uncle doesn’t want him

Getting a nose job but in Iran aka the nose job capital of the world over a 100,000 people do it every year people even wear nose bandages as a status symbol Iranians became obsessed with their noses because for about half of them the female half that’s basically

All they’re allowed to show in 2022 Mass protests broke out against Iran’s government and its strict rules requiring women to wear hijabs one thing the regime does tolerate though is nose jobs they were even approved proed by former supreme leader Ayatollah heni he said God loves Beauty and despite the

Upheaval in Iran Iranians are still getting no jobs including more and more men like Rea Fora what come on honey let’s eat I’m coming I’m hungry wait a sec Mom I’m practicing I’ll keep calling you come give me a Hand come grab the yogurt while I serve the Foody mom I want to get a nose job what’s with that face where did this come from Mom you know that noses are important it’s great if someone doesn’t have a problem with their nose or cheeks or their face especially women now are

Changing their whole faces they put in cheeks I don’t know lips eyes and so on I’m against it I haven’t done it and I won’t do it I don’t like it people around me like my friends sometimes make fun of me in my nose they joke around but it affects

Me I don’t exactly know what happened to my nose but I think when I was seven or eight I broke it while I was playing or wrestling with my brother one problem with my nose is that I have trouble breathing and of course I know it will look much Better [ __ ] I had to wear sunglasses to hide my nose as his mother I think his face is fine as I’ve been living with my mom since I was 10 so I didn’t have a close relationship with my dad my uncle’s had my back ever since I was a

Kid I used to talk to him whenever I had a problem no I he’ll ever become a famous singer by doing surgery he won’t achieve anything in this Industry I’ve always been passionate about fashion I started working for Chinta about two years ago as an influencer for the Brand she loves shopping getting dressed up putting on makeup she’s loved makeup since she was a little girl we’re a lot alike Right Jessica from Chinta was the first person who believed in me like this now I take care of all the Instagram promotion with her is a country where more than 57% of people don’t weigh the standard weight it’s the standard that’s wrong Jessica was a Pioneer she had this

Vision a thin woman who was like I want everybody to have the same access to Fashion that I have you don’t just have to overcome your own thoughts minute by minute when you wear a bikini to the beach you also have to overcome the looks you get from

People one time I got a message she said wow I bought my first bikini because I saw you wearing one and I was like look at this if I can just change the life of one person one person who couldn’t go to the beach before what is a beach body anyway

Camila is part of a body positivity movement that says let’s accept ourselves regardless of how we look but putting yourself out there like Camila does can also mean getting some nasty looks and comments I’m like don’t you think this photo shows a little too much when it’s

Her in a bikini showing a lot of her chest as a mother you want to protect your child from everything right and when you see her showing so much you’re afraid of the comments and of her getting hurt people’s Prejudice you [Laughter] Know it still hurts when someone calls her fat it hurts both her and Me [Laughter] A new job do men even get news jobs shut up you shut up it’s my nose it’s very important for my career my life earning money so you’re going to put all the money you earned in a doctor’s pocket it’ll make your voice worse your voice will be like n

In Iran this surgery costs $1,500 that’s my cost of living for at least a year how will you earn all that money he wants to bus for It the first time I saw him playing music on the street I really cried I cried a lot but I didn’t let him see Me I’m not upset that my child’s busking I’m sad because I don’t have enough money to help Him come on up my concern is today it’s about his nose tomorrow it’ll be an eyebrow transplant he’s already got this thing in his ear God forbid he turns into a junkie someday how many of your friends have done it lots of them your problem is that I’m a

Boy so if Society hasn’t seen it that’s my problem I’m saying that as a boy your path and your needs are different than a girl when I talked to my uncle he looked like he wanted to beat me imagine my nephew is going to do this

Now it goes against my honor I think it’s Creepy she can visit for one week Max otherwise we’ll start Fighting let’s make a nice breakfast and there’s nothing in the fridge do you eat protein before your workout are you cutting back on that salt you love so much egg without salt no way it tastes plain let’s see really need salt really let me See tastes great to me m mom I think it’s great hello I have an appointment with Dr Gustavo I’m CL after I was pregnant with Cam I had a lot of excess skin in my breasts and my abdomen and it really bothered me so you’ve already done your breasts

And your abdomen exactly but not your back yet this fat will remove from your back and then we’ll move it to this part of your buttocks here that’ll give you a nice lift and fill in the areas where you need it a little fat in here not overdoing it and

You’ll get a nice curve through here honestly if I could give her one piece of advice and she would listen I would say don’t do it I don’t want to hear it so you’re doing it of course it’s wonderful I’ll get the definition I always wanted it’s not plastic surgery it’s

Liposuction you asked about the risk the surger is under general anesthesia I’ll be intubated it’s possible to have respiratory failure and make your children orphans For Heaven’s Sake if I do it all carefully I’ll be okay child I want you to support me I’ll support you if it makes you

Happy it’s not like I’m going to judge someone for having surgery it’s not about that what I preach is much more about respecting what others want to do with their Body do you really think a nose job would make you successful absolutely so you don’t need to do anything else for your career you’re looking to change your appearance first by the way the little but noses Rea likes weren’t always the thing in Iran for thousands of years this is what

Was known as the Persian Nose have you taken any other useful steps so I could say he’s done all the work and now the only thing left is this nose job it’s all connected you can’t just sing or make music my audience wants it now they’re asking for it what should I do

Here are some of Iran’s top male singers Can you spot the nose job here someone like got surgery at the peak of hisain at least he proved that he’d already accomplished something you haven’t done anything yet uncle your mother has so many problems you could help her you want to spend 25

Million Tom’s on a nose job then what the market will think you’re beautiful Uncle have I even heard a song of yours as your mother you’re not an artist you’re just trying to look like an artist if you were a real artist I should have heard a hit song by now

Right that’s it do whatever you want Thanks what thing I’ll summarize everything my mother ever tried to make me lose weight Weight Watchers shakes weight loss medicine gym from a very early age super restrictive diets I lost a lot of weight I got to the skinniest I’ve ever been in my life I got to that weight like wasn’t that

Supposed to make me happy but I wasn’t happy so now what what do I do And at some point that pushed us apart for a long time I was the person who said that she was fat nowadays I don’t say anything anymore I ended up pushing her away from me when I had those attitudes and I don’t want to push her away from

Me love her the way she is and that’s it I realized that this pressure to lose weight really hurts her so no matter how much I want to pressure her no matter how much I look at her and think well she could lose weight I don’t speak up because I don’t

Want to push her away it really makes me feel bad seeing my Uncle upset with me I’m just trying to get closer to my dreams and move forward on the path that I want will the nose surgery affect my singing voice will it change it depends on how much smaller the new

Nose is if you want a normal natural masculine nose no God created manly noses for men I think if he does it against everyone’s opinion I’ll be very Disappointed hi dear Mother how are you I finally got the surgery you see I’ll see you this weekend when you return home love you bye for now I hope the surgery went well and that you look even more beautiful and if I tried to change your

Mind or disagreed with you it was only because I want the best for you love you see you soon take care [Applause] Bye Fernand said something to me that’s really stuck in my mind she said how many 27-year-old women have the power to influence people like you do who’ve gotten there in such a short time I’ve been thinking about that sentence every day since she said it I do admire her for saying I’m fine

I’m going to put on a bikini and go out not worrying at all it’s cool it’s beautiful if she’s happy like this being chubby she wants to lose weight whatever she does I’m okay with it I can only be grateful for the daughter I have I believe my mother thinks I’m

Beautiful I hope she does but I think she wouldn’t be the way I am I don’t know if she would say that another woman who looks the way I do if she’d think that woman was Beau I was always vain G those who seek Perfection are never happy because we’ll never be perfect kill me make me beautiful it’s a saying

Brazil and Iran, two countries with very high beauty standards. There’s an enormous number of plastic surgery procedures taking place in these two nations and the pressure to look good is ever present. Sometimes that pressure comes from relatives – who disagree about how we should look.

In the age of Instagram and Tik-Tok, unrealistic beauty ideals have become a global phenomenon. And sometimes it’s hard not to be influenced by them. Brazilian mother Claudia Cristiane Pegorer Tavares describes herself as “vain”. She’s already had some plastic surgery and wants to have even more. Her daughter Camila is part of the Brazilian body positivity movement “Movimento Corpo Livre” which promotes self-acceptance. But that can come at a cost: people like Camila who don’t measure up to society’s standards still get nasty looks and comments. Often the comments come from Camila’s own family. Her godfather encourages her to get her stomach stapled to lose weight. Her mom Claudia thinks she needs silicone breast implants. No wonder there’s a rift.

In Tehran, the world capital of nose jobs, singer-songwriter Reesa believes that a different nose is key to his success. He’s earned quite a bit of money playing music in the streets, but his mom is skeptical of his plan to spend so much on surgery. The real conflict however is with Reesa’s uncle. His view is: “Men have to be tough, with calluses on their hands.” Even though more and more Iranian men are getting nose jobs, for Uncle Akbar, cosmetic surgery is only for girls and women who want to be beautiful for their husbands. He’s afraid that Reesa will start off getting a new nose, then new eyebrows and maybe end up a junkie. At least the regime in Iran has no problem with nose jobs. The late Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khomeini even officially sanctioned the procedure, saying: “God … loves beauty.”

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  1. I´ve never see such a disrespectful mother like that, I´ve felt completely disgusted to watch such appalling behaviour from a mother who should care and protect her daughter. Tha´s why so many people grow up traumatised and depressed.

  2. If you spend some time on the beach in Rio, you start to understand and appreciate the Brazilian relationship with the human body. It may not represent the nation as a whole but from kids to seniors it is all hanging out. Slim to plus, taught and young to sagging leather. S'cool!

  3. Lol, all those k dramas seem to idealise that dude's nose, but oops, he's out there in his country hating on it. Maybe as a musician, he should use his money to travel and get some perspective.

  4. So much energy put on things that doesn’t last.
    As a doctor, I think plastic surgery is just it, its plastic, its superficial. If it’s for cosmetic thats what it is for. Let’s not put more to it than what it is. If cosmetic was the reason one went for a procedure thats not necessarily wrong but that doesn’t make it good as well.
    There are medical reasons and there are cosmetic goals. Health should be the ideal outcome and so when you have weight thats not considered healthy, that does some health risks too.
    There’s like a spectrum between disease, cosmetic, health and the ideal. Truth is we chose where we are on this spectrum and stand by our choice and consequence.

  5. Zusammen mit dem faschistischen Putin und seinen Komplizen im diktatorischen, totalitären Kreml ist es die Ursache für eine Welt des Chaos, der Invasion, des Terrorismus und des ständigen Krieges, die dazu führt, dass die Menschheit langsam ins Hintertreffen gerät.

    Vielen Dank an die Vereinigten Staaten und ihre Verbündeten, die es im Voraus sehr gut wissen, es später wissen, das Völkerrecht schützen und an die sehr lange, sehr ferne Zukunft der Menschheit auf diesem Planeten denken. ……Sieg für die britischen Streitkräfte, Ruhm für die Helden und Ruhm für die Unterstützung des großen patriotischen Krieges des ukrainischen Volkes.

    Der faschistische P.u.tin und seine Komplizen im Kreml raus aus der Ukraine, raus aus dem Verbrechen der Ukraine, die Ukraine braucht Frieden, die Welt braucht Frieden.

    1:(Andrea Mande) sagte: Ich bin im ostdeutschen Kommunismus aufgewachsen! und ich verstehe sie gut! Der Kommunismus ist die betrügerischste Form des Islam! und höchst barbarisch! Der Kommunismus ist ein Schandfleck für die Menschheit und die zivilisierte Welt.

    2: Der Kommunismus hat Menschen zu Lügnern gemacht (Andrea Mande)

    Fortschrittliche Russen, lasst uns eine Revolution machen, um diese blutrünstige faschistische Diktatur und den totalitären Putin zu stürzen, sie sind ein Albtraum der Menschheit, sie unterziehen das Volk einer Gehirnwäsche im Sinne einer sehr bösen Diktatur. .. Ein Zitat eines Vorgängers schrieb: (Der Kommunismus ist ein Traum für a wenige Menschen, aber ein Albtraum für die Menschheit)

    Fortschrittliche Menschen auf der ganzen Welt, Sie lieben die Freiheit, Sie lieben Gerechtigkeit, Sie lieben Rechtschaffenheit, Sie lieben den großen patriotischen Krieg des Vereinigten Königreichs, liebes Volk, um den faschistischen PU-Eindringling zu vertreiben, bitte teilen Sie diese Nachricht, vielen Dank!

  6. Iranian nose job pandemic is funny!
    I mean, that singer needs to work on his voice rather than nose and body.

    His voice is not much attractive without autotune but he wants his nose and body to be success factor in singing career😂

  7. These people have misplaced priorities!💀💀
    That girl doesn't want to do hardwork but want to lose weight by surgery!
    That singer doesn't want to improve his average autotuned voice but want nosejob to be successful in ainging

  8. Being a man all my life, you know the old school kinda way. I can't speak for all of us but I'll tell what a large number if not the majority of us hate:

    Long nails (claws)
    Tons of makeup
    Burger lips (botox)
    Exagerated butts from bbls, they look ridiculous
    The cheek thing they do to give it a thinner shape (they look like the saw puppet)
    Girls constantly straightening their overly straightened hair
    The hideous nose ring
    Exagerated boobjobs, (personaly don't like them at all but I can see why some people do)

    A girl that takes care of her health (skin, hair, figure) will be always more attractive in my view. Often less is more.

  9. I'm from Europe and was basically married to a Brazilian for 7 years and went to visit the in-laws 5 times. Some of them didn't realise I could understand Portuguese. I heard their comments about my weight and I wasn't even fat! I made it very clear where to draw the line with people, which embarrassed my ex. I learnt that they weren't trying to be malicious, it's just cultural.

  10. You can love yourself, but medically classified obesity is not pretty nor good. These people would never find any clothes in Asia. I’m 5’6” and weigh 59 kg (120lbs.), and I always have to for XL or XXL.

  11. Iran is NOT even in Top 25 countries with the most plastic surgeies!!!If you search in google you can find!!Also doctors in Iran are NOT professional at all!!!I have heard lots of patients in IRAN can NOT breathe after nose jobs anymore!!

  12. In IRAN only luxurious people do plastic surgery!!!Because it is so expensive!!!These people are only 1% of the society!!!Most of people in IRAN live in a poor condition!!!They can NOT even buy meats for a month!!

  13. Beauty and sex (like everything else) has been commodified. It certainly is the path to status and income- throughout the world. Right now surgery and medication ae the tools. Pretty soon we will start tweaking our DNA, and the outcome of THAT will be interesting!

  14. From reading the comment section, it is evident that there is a level of cultural misunderstanding over the brazilian woman’s mother preoccupation with her daughter’s weight.
    Yes, being beautiful is perhaps overestimated in the country as a whole, but her mother made it very clear that she prioritizes her daughter’s happiness. The thing is obesity is undeniably a major health issue — a disease. It even has a ICD of its own.

  15. The good thing about getting older is to learn to accept yourself, but you also need your good health, and overweight is no good for the health – most of the Brazilians shown in the vid were fat, many wildly fat.

  16. Surgical procedures are only important for the people who have some accident happen to them , or some major issue .. why people want to go such a painful procedure to look according to the Instagram standards?

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