UN condemns Russia’s renewed mass-bombing campaign in Ukraine | BBC News

Now the uh an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council has overwhelmingly condemned Russia’s aerial assaults on Ukraine on Friday the largest since the start of the war many countries said hitting civilian infrastructure had violated the international rules of War more than 30 people were killed and 160

Injured in the missile strikes yesterday let’s hear some of what country’s ambassadors had to the UN had to say in New York rather than peace Putin chose to mark this holiday season and us in the new year with an unprecedented number of drone and missile attacks against another UN member

State these missiles were aimed at population centers across Ukraine they struck Homes apartment buildings shopping centers and metros a maternity hospital and a regional oncology center have been damaged in short civilian infrastructure meanwhile Poland has put its Air Defense Forces on high alert after a suspected Russian missile briefly enter polish air

Space on Friday from ke our Ukraine correspondent James Waterhouse has this report it is and always has been the whole of Ukraine which is under attack Kev is still moscow’s biggest prize air defenses have improved here but this attack proved too much I was woken up at half 7 by a horrible

Sound it was so frightening the missile was flying and everything was buzzing so noisy you are left in no doubt that this was a direct missile strike the scale of the damage the size of the blast zone the heat caus you’re more used to seeing damage caused from falling debris when a

Missile is intercepted but this reflects the scale of this Russian attack and scenes like this are being replicated right across Ukraine a lucky Escape in hardk in the Northeast this city is familiar with missile strikes but not 20 in a single morning a shopping center in nepro in

The east as well as a maternity hospital were hit it didn’t stop there this is the port city of adessa in the South where a residential block was struck zapara wasn’t spared either where at least eight were killed even Lviv in the west which sometimes feels far from this Invasion wasn’t immune this

Time all military targets were hit as far as Russia’s defense Ministry was concerned while Moscow is trying to damage Ukrainian morale president zalinski is trying to boost it by visiting troops and have diva one of the most hostile parts of the front line it’s hard he said it’s about pain

And losses these are the people who keep Ukraine alive his Air Force says it had never seen so many missiles in one attack in a war where Moscow routinely strikes cities it can’t occupy that is saying something James Walter house BBC News Kev

An emergency meeting of the UN Security Council overwhelmingly condemned Russia’s renewed mass-bombing campaign in Ukraine and said attacks must stop “immediately”.

Countries including the US, UK and France said hitting civilian infrastructure had violated the international rules of war.

It comes after at least 37 people were killed on Friday, when Russia fired missiles and drones at Ukrainian cities including the capital Kyiv, Odesa, Dnipro, Kharkiv and Lviv.

Ukraine said it was Russia’s biggest missile bombardment of the war so far.

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  1. Putin had warned Ukraine not to attack Russian territory which Crimea is an integral part. Ukraine attacked and destroyed a ship in Crimean port. This is Russia's response to that outrage. One Russian ship was destroyed but Russia's retaliation is horrendous. Very many Ukrainian infrastructures, military industrial and civilian have been destroyed.And more attack is on the cards. Who is encouraging Ukraine to commit saucide? Russia is not going to run out of missiles. Let Ukraine go for peace talk and not depend on western support with more weapons & dollars. None of these things will help Ukraine. Ukraine is on the verge of total destruction. Putin is a sane person unlike what's going on in Gaza.

  2. Putin is doing it because he knows he won't face any repercussions. Nato and US are very weak and putin knows it. Everyone is frightened of putin, he kills his opponents but tomorrow putin will also die. Not in his bunkers but where God chooses for him . He thinks he's above everybody, he doesn't respect anyone but he wants to be respected.. Every day for thief, oneday for master the saying goes.

  3. I have never seen so many Russian bots in the chat trying to justify Russias bombing of maternity hospitals and apartment buildings. Its pretty obvious the robot 🤖 farm is on full display. Some Russian oligarch somewhere must have just opened a troll farm. Oh well, at least they get to collect their 10 rubles a day! 😂

  4. What law which country follows them well Isreal doesn’t where’s the sympathy what Israel bloody doing is acceptable and killing 25.000 innocent people is ok , oh yeah there’s isn’t bcoz they are Muslim and Arabs. Racist countries.

  5. Russia 🇷🇺 known as the Soviet Union was founded by Vladimir Lenin in 1922 after the Russia revolution and Vladimir Lenin was in charge of Soviet Union as a chairman for 2 years until he died of stroke and then Joseph Stalin took over as a leader of Soviet Union known as general secretary for 29 years until he also suffered a stroke and then George malenkov took over as a chairman from March to September 1953 and also Nikita kruschev the first secretary took over from 1953 to 1964 and Leonor brenzhev first secretary later general secretary 1964 to 1982 and yuri Andropov 1982 to 1984 general secretary and Konstantin Chernenko general secretary 1984 to 1985 and Mikhali gobachev general secretary and later president 1985 to 1991 until Soviet Union was a dissolved after the end of Cold War

  6. The UN is controlled by Russia, China and Iran. Do you really think the UN has any say in its ability to do anything? While the USA is the largest contributor of this organization. The members and influence is the communist countries. The BBC too is a liberal communist propagation machine for the CCP why would you believe its reporting? You can't!

  7. Lol I don't know weather to laugh of cry,the west has an issue with this while Israel has obligated and mass executed woman and children for 2 months now yet the west won't condemn.

  8. Interesting take on this. Russia bombs Ukraine and hits civilians and civilian infrastructure .War crime says UK and UN. Ukraine launches attack on Russia. Hits civilians and civilian infrastructure. Silence. Israel launches attack on Gaza hitting civilians. Silence. In fact UK and USA says it ok. This is what is wrong with the world. Depends on who's killing civilians.

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