‘This is our New Year’ says survivor of Kharkiv missile strike that injured 21

Кого-то ёлочка была такой у нас Новый год подарок нам какой сделали на Новый год Чорные души просто Чорные души ведь пожилым же кварталам подат тут же люди как это можно по-перше Це був удар по готелю в центрі міста Харкова удар прийшовся приблизно на відповідно 12-й поверх після першого

Прильоту який був не сюди люди встигли спуститись в укриття тому лише дві людини ну тобто мають легкі поранення ви там дивилисяже Ну і інший прильот це вже приміщення дитячого садочку який зруйновано повністю значить там у житлових будинках які є тобто відповідно поруч вони досить сильно постраждали від вибухової хвилі не давайте йму нічого

Twin Russian missile strikes on central Kharkiv on Saturday (December 30) injured at least 21 people, Ukrainian officials said.

The Kharkiv regional chief prosecutor said two boys aged 14 and 16 and a security advisor for a team of German journalists were among those injured. The missiles came from the direction of Belgorod, Russia, he added.

Russian officials said a Ukrainian attack on the provincial capital of Belgorod hours earlier killed 18 people and injured 111.

That came a day after Russia’s biggest air assault of the war, in which Ukrainian officials said at least 40 civilians were killed and 159 wounded in 158 missile and drone attacks across the country.

One missile hit the Kharkiv Palace Hotel, and the second hit a residential building in central Kharkiv. Another three hit an industrial area but caused no damage, a police official said.

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  1. Я войвал Афганистане но меня люди очень Жалко кто войвал Афганистане а Чечня это здохла меня не жалею не когда не Афганистан друзья я. Украину буду подержать кто не служил кто не войвйевал Афганистане они враг для меня .

  2. "Black souls is very apt label for Putin and his mob underlings!! Sorry you are confronted with this during the most important spiritual times of the year! Please stay safe!!🇨🇦❤❤❤🇺🇦

  3. 🍁 God Almighty said: {And spend of what We have provided for you before death approaches one of you, and he says, “My Lord, had you not delayed me for a short term, so that I might give charity and be righteous.” Of the righteous * And God will not delay a soul when its time has come, and God is Aware of what you do.) God Almighty said:
    {Indeed, before that, they were doers of good. * They used to sleep for little of the night. * And at dawn they asked for forgiveness. * And in their wealth there is a right for the beggar and the Deprived} My brother, we are your brothers and your children, orphans, poor, and in need. I am in the face of God, then in your face, then in the face of your parents, that you stopWith us, you help us as much as you can. By God, there is no god but He, the Ever-Living, the Self-Subsisting. We are sitting inside the house without eating. I ask you by God to help us. May God grant you relief in this world and the afterlife. This is my WhatsApp and call number. If you would like to do good with us, this WhatsApp number is 00967717485059. He comes face to face with meMay God help me with the right to have a sewing machine that I can work on, and to replace my psychological and psychological needs, and to replace myself or ask for someone… ..

  4. 🍁 God Almighty said: {And spend of what We have provided for you before death approaches one of you, and he says, “My Lord, had you not delayed me for a short term, so that I might give charity and be righteous.” Of the righteous * And God will not delay a soul when its time has come, and God is Aware of what you do.) God Almighty said:
    {Indeed, before that, they were doers of good. * They used to sleep for little of the night. * And at dawn they asked for forgiveness. * And in their wealth there is a right for the beggar and the Deprived} My brother, we are your brothers and your children, orphans, poor, and in need. I am in the face of God, then in your face, then in the face of your parents, that you stopWith us, you help us as much as you can. By God, there is no god but He, the Ever-Living, the Self-Subsisting. We are sitting inside the house without eating. I ask you by God to help us. May God grant you relief in this world and the afterlife. This is my WhatsApp and call number. If you would like to do good with us, this WhatsApp number is 00967717485059. He comes face to face with meMay God help me with the right to have a sewing machine that I can work on, and to replace my psychological and psychological needs, and to replace myself or ask for someone… ..

  5. Even ukrainian General Zaluzhniy recently said that Russia strike infrastructure .
    Ukraininan air defence intentionally shot down missles flying over cities to cause damage to own civilians and when ask West for military help .
    Without "demonizing " Russia they can't get anything .
    Ukraine already created tons of fakes and use own civilians as human shield

  6. The author of the channel did not see that the attack occurred after Russia shelled Belgorod, and during the shelling they used a Czech-made missile system, which was unacceptable.

  7. What a terrible thing to do to a neighbouring country! In a week’s time Patriarch 'killil' will be dressed up in his finery to celebrate Christmas and the birth of the Prince of Peace. In the meantime, his friend, kaputin, has bombed a maternity hospital, along with many other civilian targets. What a disgrace! May the Virgin of Vladimir comfort all who have lost loved ones and may they R.I.P.

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