Ukraine war: Russia hits back after Kyiv attack on border city – BBC News

Now moving on Russia has carried out more drone attacks on Ukraine with reports of explosions in zapia K and K twin missile strikes on Central K injured at least 21 people including two teenage boys the strikes are in apparent retaliation for Ukraine’s drone attack on the city of belgaro yesterday which

Killed at least 20 people in the last few minutes Reuters is reporting the governor of belgrad has just issued a warning of more missiles heading towards residents there the criminal requested an urgent meeting for the United Nations security Council here’s a Russia editor Steve Rosenberg with more caught on dash cam a giant

Explosion in the center of belg there was Panic as people ran for cover not everyone could Russia says at least 20 civilians were killed and more than 100 injured after a series of Ukrainian strikes on the Heart of the City although the Russian military claimed it had shot down most of the

Missiles as emergency crews rushed to the Sea the scale of the damage became clear billowing smoke making belgar look more than ever like a Frontline City Ukraine’s border is just 20 M away the local Governor veslav gladkov said these were the deadliest consequences of Ukrainian shelling that his region had

Experienced the attack came just a day after Russia had carried out a huge wave of strikes across Ukraine with missiles and with drones at least 39 people KV said were killed belr has come under attack before with explosions like this one at the airport and at a power

Station this kind of thing never happened before Russia launched its fullscale invasion of Ukraine now a deadly new strike on the eve of the New Year holiday Russia has already hit back with new attacks of its own Steve Rosenberg BBC News Moscow

Ukraine has come under attack by Russian air strikes again, officials say, after two days of major aerial assaults by both sides.

Most attacks were concentrated on Kharkiv in the east, but explosions were also reported elsewhere.

Moscow said it was retaliating against Ukrainian strikes on the Russian border city of Belgorod on Saturday, which killed at least 24 people.

That came after Russia carried out air strikes across Ukraine on Friday.

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  1. we want peace.we don’t want any weapons or money from western country.hello western country please call cease fire.we want to live from hand to mouth.we are loosing all kinds of thingns.please stop this war at any cost.we want to make a friendship with all nations instead of war.

  2. I use to support Ukraine but after the way the media reports Israel and Palestine I now support Russia. Anyone the media side with are evil in my opinion.

  3. MSBNC Just like UKs BBC, Channel4 & Times, employ cowardice & juvenile propaganda journalist's and news readers, waste of money for these monkeys.

    An example of not reporting correctly is the Ukraine, while Zelensky and his dizzy wife swan around in designer clothes and live in an $11 million mansion, he's physically "kidnapping" young peaceful men (and now women) from the streets of Ukraine and putting them on the front line TO DIE. Over 250,000 Ukraine dead and more who survive but can never lead full lives' ever again because Zelensky refused peace talks with Putin (Lets NOT forget that NATO broke the Minsk agreement).

    Let's hope the hypersonic missile's find their target in Kyiv like previously and which wasn't reported by mainstream news?

  4. la faute a hollande pour avoir trompe poutine .dans le but de laisse rdu temps a l ukraine de se rearmés avec notre aide pour essayer de reprendre la crimée et a l autre con de boris , poutine fait ce qu'il aurais du faire des 2014 , il ne faut plus nous faire confiance les européens nous sommes des lâches et faible , la russie fait le job bravo .

  5. ¿Por qué los tontos sobreviven a la guerra? No es justo para los inteligentes. Europa occidental está llena de tontos. Todos están seguros de que los rusos pueden ser derrotados Son estúpidos suicidas. Aquí ya no es posible la salvación. La tumba de los tontos lo arreglará.

  6. "This never happened before Russia's invasion of Ukraine", the LYING BBC SAYS. The Ukraine army attacked civilians in Donetsk for NINE YEARS AND KILLED MORE THAN 15,000 before Russia said enough and invaded.

  7. '' Russia hits back after Kyiv attack on border city '' Is this not rich coming from the BBC ? Like the reason for Russia's atrocities the last 22 months have been in retaliation ?

  8. The missiles that fell in Belgrad were Russian anti drone missiles that missed the mark the Russian Ministry of defence stated , so Im lead to believe

  9. Zelensky promises before election was peace with Russia and end of war in donbass.
    Normal Ukrainians voted for this.
    And what he did is opposite… there is personal responsibility of Zelensky for the conflict.

  10. Vast majority of Westerners simply do not understand the Situation. It's so frustrating listening to regurgitated NATO/US sponsored Western Media propaganda from people who literally are closet xenophobes indoctrinated to hate everything Russian since birth. This war was entirely avoidable if it were not for incessant US meddling in Russian & Ukrainian affairs. Its easier to tow the NATO endorsed political line. Its the same people who are funding the Ukrainian regime and have been doing since 2014. They ultimately want more NATO weaponized nations on Russias border. Georgea Armenia. They tried that crap in Belarus. American global hegemony comes under the guise of bringing democracy to other nations. Ask Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya etc…how that went for them. Most people just absorb the 'us good them bad' narrative and parrot it endlessly on social media claiming to be knowledgable. It's pretty pathetic.

  11. Vast majority of Westerners simply do not understand the Situation. It's so frustrating listening to regurgitated NATO/US sponsored Western Media propaganda from people who literally are closet xenophobes indoctrinated to hate everything Russian since birth. This war was entirely avoidable if it were not for incessant US meddling in Russian & Ukrainian affairs. Its easier to tow the NATO endorsed political line. Its the same people who are funding the Ukrainian regime and have been doing since 2014. They ultimately want more NATO weaponized nations on Russias border. Georgea Armenia. They tried that crap in Belarus. American global hegemony comes under the guise of bringing democracy to other nations. Ask Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya etc…how that went for them. Most people just absorb the 'us good them bad' narrative and parrot it endlessly on social media claiming to be knowledgable. It's pretty pathetic.

  12. Covarde, a Rússia no campo de batalha não consegue vencer a Ucrânia, se vingar nos civis inocentes, matando crianças, bebês, mulheres grávidas, idosos. Isso é terrorismo, crime de guerra. A ganância de Putin de tomar as terras e as riquezas da Ucrânia, ele tem inveja dos ucranianos. Ele precisa ser parado. Deus proverá, rumo a vitória Ucrânia.

  13. Is a drop in the ocean comparing with what Russia is doing to Ukraine in the last two years. Is not anymore Putin to blame. Is Russian people to blame now for what is happening they allowed their government to do all this atrocities, they are complicit, except the ones that did something to stop this war.

  14. After the Ukrainian Nazis targeted Belgorod in Russia. A city centre with no military significance. And many civilians were killed. Including children. Russia is changing its policy towards the leadership in Kiev. They will now be targetted. Including Zelenski.

  15. Don’t blame Russia blame the United Nations UK 🇬🇧 and American 🇺🇸 for not keeping to the agreements made in 2014 Russia 🇷🇺 never want a war it’s the new world order freaks causing all the trouble

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