China’s Xi Jinping says ‘reunification’ with Taiwan ‘inevitable’ in strong tone New Year address

China’s Xi Jinping says ‘reunification’ with Taiwan ‘inevitable’ in strong tone New Year address

China’s “reunification” with Taiwan is inevitable, President Xi Jinping said in his New Year’s address on December 31st, striking a stronger tone than he did last year.

Last year, Xi said only that people on either side of the strait are “members of one and the same family” and that he hoped people on both sides will work together to “jointly foster lasting prosperity of the Chinese nation.”

China considers Taiwan to be its “sacred territory” and has never renounced the use of force to bring it under Chinese control, though Xi made no mention of military threats in his speech carried on state television.

#china #xijinping #newyear #taiwan

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  1. It’s Pooh bear 🐻, he need to lay off the honey, he has really let himself go. He shouldn’t have sent piglet and Christopher to that concentration camp, they were the only ones who could pull Pooh away from that honey pot

  2. God bless Russian and Putin it's time for China to help Russia without Russia China is nothing shame on China Joe Biden is a war criminal he destroyed Ukraine and Palestine God bless Russian and Putin it's time for China to help Russia without Russia China is nothing shame on China Joe Biden is a war criminal he destroyed Ukraine

  3. No its not. In the same way Russia wont stop with Ukraine on its way into Europe China won't either. They cannot be allowed to proceed without our full resistanc and the US has a lot and will be opportunistic in its deconstruction of the Chinese inferior military. Same with Russian and Iran. Nato sees and knows this and countries with people fleeing to be free from all manner of coercion are inherently weaker. Shockingly more people than ever still want to come to the US.
    Global power is the final stage before a breakdown of sorts of society regarding top global power and the restoration of a peace that will endure. When we doubt that peace in the future all we need to do is remember this guy along with a host of other dictators that come from my country as well (the US). There is enough awake people in the world to overcome any global autocratic leaders. However there has to be a major disruptive force. I contend within my country at least that has happened and we are dealing with a cold civil war currently with the house leader a treasonous ideologue who openly mocks and scoffs at the rule of law. We are closing in on them. They are generally compromised and once real oath keeping leadership gets into place we will be finally moving in the right direction. Right now were still slowing down the inertia caused by Donald. Good times ahead folks. Its darkest before the dawn obviously.

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