Japan Airlines fireball: passenger videos record their miracle escape | BBC News

Japan Airlines fireball: passenger videos record their miracle escape | BBC News

Their escape was nothing short of a miracle from a burning airliner which burst into flames after a collision at Tokyo’s Hana airport 379 people were on board the Japan Airlines Airbus a350 with just a handful of the passengers suffering minor injuries after escaping the Flames down inflatable slides the

Jet was coming into land when there was a collision with a coast card plane five people on board the smaller craft died the moment of impact a Japan Airlines plane with more than 370 passengers on board skids down the tarmac at Tokyo’s busiest airport after colliding with a smaller plane operated

By Japan’s Coast Guard inside the Airbus chaos as passengers see heat and smoke bow from an Engine and in the terrifying moments that follow the plane finally comes to a stop get me out she screams as passengers Panic within moments and as the cabin fills with fumes inflatable slides are released allowing hundreds of passengers and crew to scramble to safety miraculously unharmed I was wondering what happened

And then I felt the airplane tilted to the side at the runway and I felt a big bump the flight attendants told us to stay calm I can only say it was a miracle we could have died if we didn’t evacuate at that point a huge fire quickly takes hold and

Overwhelms the passenger aircraft and then this those on board the second plane were not as fortunate five of the six people aboard died although the pilot escaped the aircraft was traveling to Ishikawa near the epicenter of a 7.6 magnitude earthquake that struck Japan just over 24 hours earlier it was carrying food

And the crew were preparing to help with the rescue effort authorities here at haneda airport deployed around a 100 fire trucks to try and control the Blaze and it took more than 6 hours experts are saying that it’s because of Japan’s strong safety record and its training of

Its staff that the crew were able to respond so effectively in time we will work with the transport Ministry to determine the cause of the accident the scene needs to be preserved for that but we’ll try to get airport operations going as quickly as possible investigators will be

Desperately looking for answers as to how two planes were on the runway at the same time an extraordinary moment but coming so soon after a powerful earthquake Japan finds itself facing two tragedies in as many days suran janari BBC News Tokyo

Passengers on board the passenger jet recorded their miracle escape from death after a horrific collision on the runway of Haneda airport in Tokyo.

The JAL Airbus was engulfed in flames as it landed after colliding with a small coastguard plane. All 379 passengers and 12 crew on board the airliner survived the disaster.

5 people on the coastguard plane died in the accident. The small plane had been en route to deliver aid to victims of Japan’s earthquake in the country’s Nota peninsula.

Shortly after the passenger jet was evacuated it was overcome by fire. The authorities have begun an urgent investigation into how the two planes came to collide.

Clive Myrie presents BBC News at Ten reporting by Suranjana Tewari in Tokyo.

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  1. This incident shows how well designed Airbus planes are to withstand that impact and the passengers were still able to get out. I only fly on Airbus.

  2. A great testament to the airliner's crew in effecting a swift evacuation and the emergency crews on the ground doing their bit professionally and expeditiously. I recently read about the Saudi L-1011 that returned to the airport after an in-flight fire in 1980. Several minutes after landing the firemen were standing around watching the plane burn because the engines were still running and they couldn't approach. When they finally did gain entry after some twenty minutes the aircraft flashed over and nobody escaped alive. It's a sign of how far we've come in terms of safely evacuating, no doubt further enhanced by the efficiency of the Japanese people. RIP to those onboard the Coastguard aircraft.

  3. Condolences to the family of the late coast guards.
    What was the control tower doing? The coast guards plane must have been given clearance to be at the runaway to depart whilst JAL516 was given clearance to land.

  4. Well inside the plane the woman said Chaos any see Chaos inside the plane talking yes but not Chaos news people are stupid. Well this was clearly a traffic control error.

  5. Escape took just within 2 minutes. Credit to the JAL crew members! They calmly led all 367 passengers to the safe exits, in the orderly and calmly manner.

  6. On board 'chaos'? Actually no – given what was happening, those folk looked like they were remarkably calm and following instructions. RIP to those who died, but those on the Airbus survived because they /didn't/ descend into chaos. Perhaps you could have given some acknowledgement to the calm actions of the passengers under extreme conditions, instead of trying to dramatise the horrific event.

  7. I have no idea how this type of accident happened again. We saw a similar disaster in 1991 at LAX where a 737 collided with another aircraft on the runway so surely some lessons weren't learnt from that accident.

  8. I don't think describing it as 'chaos' and 'passengers panic' is a fair description. A few of them sound upset, but they mostly look very calm. Ultimately all the crew and passengers did a great job to evacuate out the two forward slides so quickly.

  9. It's not miracle. It just every crew on the plane dealing with the situation professional way and follow the emergency procedure perfectly. Also the passenger react to the situation calmly and just follow the cabin crew instruction, which is i'm not suprise because the discipline that japanese people have. If this happen to america airline with american passenger, everyone would be dead already.

  10. It's terribly sad about the coast guard plane. I understand that the people who lost their lives were preparing to head off to a disaster zone. They were helpful heroes and it's tragic that some oversight caused this accident. Airports are very difficult to keep safe. I imagine this airport is very busy as it is in Tokyo. I understand the air traffic control jobs in these sorts of airports are like S+ level of difficulty.

    It's amazing how well the crew and systems of the passenger jet worked to get everyone off safely. The picture of the burning plane had me scared that this was one of those crashes that killed everyone on both aircrafts.

  11. It was not a miracle. It was discipline and social cohesion such that everyone behaved responsibly, listening to and following instructions.

  12. Miracle that everyone on board that A350 walked away. Nose gear obviously collapsed on impact, looks like starboard engine had lost its fan, possibly a direct impact into the engine resulting in huge energy release and fireball. The speed, extent and ferocity of the fire might cast doubts on the fire worthiness of composite airliners, but aluminium would probably have ended the same way.😮

  13. Absolute BS. Japanese airlines, especially JAL, are a joke. Exit row seats are left empty unless people pay. Indecision is rife amongst all staff. The plane itself saved the people. Its construction and safety systems are what saved everyone. Attendants panicked and finally got people moving out of one door. They simply got lucky, nothing more nothing less.

  14. Chaos?…the video shows the situation was fearful but orderly..not chaos. Common BBC..dont create your own dramatic narrative… you should be able to have pride in accurate news reporting..the Japanese were amazing

  15. if it were other nationalities i think they would be trying to take their hand carry luggage and souvenirs from the cabin instead of quickly exiting the plane…

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