Japan Airlines: Airbus to assist investigation into jet crash | BBC News

Now let’s head to Japan and bring you the latest on the two lead stories in Japan starting with the investigation that is currently underway into the crash between a Japan Airlines Airbus and a coast guard aircraft at Tokyo’s Hana airport that killed five crew so these are the pictures of what’s left of

The Airbus a350 after it caught fire following the Collision all 367 passengers and 12 crew managed to escape from the burning aircraft and there’s been widespread praise for the cabin crew to make that happen five of the six people who were on board the Coast Guard aircraft died rert Wingfield Hayes

Reports this extraordinary footage caught on hanet Airport’s CCTV system shows the moment a Japan Airlines a350 struck a Japanese Coast Guard Plane that was for some reason on the same Runway the jet with nearly 400 people on board continues down the runway with flames now belching from the rear of the

Aircraft more extraordinary footage taken by a passenger inside the plane shows just how quickly the cabin filled with acrid smoke but then what experts are describing as little short of miraculous with flames rapidly engulfing the plain’s fuselage dozens of passengers can be seen sliding down Escape shoots

And running for their lives all 379 passengers and crew on board escaped some with minor injuries tragically the same is not true of the six crew on board the Coast Guard Plane five are dead the pilot survived but with serious injuries dozens of fire trucks poured

Foam and water onto the plane but it continued to burn for hours the question now is how did this happen how did two aircraft end up on the same Runway at the same time at at one of the world’s busiest and most sophisticated airports we’re checking whether

Permission for landing was given by the airport Control Center and we are looking into Communications that were exchanged because those could have had an impact on the accident I can’t say more but we are investigating the evidence so far suggests the crash was caused by what’s known as a Runway incursion a plane

Entering the runway by mistake or because of a miscommunication Runway incursions have become more frequent in recent years as the world’s major airports have become busier and busier and landing and takeoff slots crowded closer and closer together many Aviation experts have been warning that it was only a matter of

Time before something like this was going to happen Rupert Wingfield Hayes BBC News in taipe

Airbus has said its experts will assist with the investigation into the Japan Airlines jet crash at Tokyo’s Haneda Airport.

A Japan Airlines Airbus A350 turned into a fireball after it collided with a coastguard plane as it landed on Tuesday. Five of the six people on board the smaller aircraft died.

All 379 passengers and crew of the Japan Airlines flight were evacuated before the plane became engulfed in flames, with 14 people receiving minor injuries.

The coastguard aircraft was taking emergency supplies to help rescue efforts after Monday’s earthquake in central Japan.

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  1. why would you build an airplane with flammable material. If this had benn a usual crash all on board would have roasted. This build is dangerous!!

  2. According to the latest reports, air traffic control had instructed the Coast Guard aircraft to wait elsewhere before the incident, according to the latest reports.

  3. The Japanese are very disciplined & did not panic. Had this been in some parts of the world; the passengers would have jostled each other to their death

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