Rishi Sunak indicates he will not call election until second half of 2024

Rishi Sunak indicates he will not call election until second half of 2024

My working assumption is we’ll have a general election in the second half of this year and in the meantime I’ve got lots that I want to get on with this Saturday we’ll be introducing a significant tax cut for millions of people in work worth on average £450 for

An average worker because we’ve hared inflation we want to keep managing the economy well and cutting people’s taxes and I want to keep tackling illegal migration and we cut the number of arrivals last year by over a third but we’ve got more to do and we want to get

The Rwanda scheme through Parliament and up and running so look I’ve got plenty to get on with and that’s what I’m focused on doing delivering for the British people

Rishi Sunak has given his strongest indication yet that he will not call a general election until the second half of 2024, puncturing Labour hopes that it would come as early as spring. The prime minister told broadcasters on Thursday it was his ‘working assumption’ the vote would be called in the latter part of the year, giving him more time to try to reverse the Conservatives’ deficit in the polls. The date of the election is solely in his hands after the repeal of the Fixed-term Parliaments Act in 2022
Rishi Sunak indicates he will not call election until second half of 2024

  1. Give him 5 years for godsake. Can't be having elections every year. The UK isn't a banana republic like some countries in South Asia or West Africa

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