Olympian Oscar Pistorius released on parole 11 years after killing girlfriend

Remember her name raver staying Camp Model campaigner and back in 2013 a young woman in the prime of her life shot dead by her famous boyfriend which lifted the lid on South Africa’s problem with men killing women men like Oscar Pistorius multiple paralympic Champion the last time he was seen in public he

Was starting a 14year sentence he was released on parole today after spending nine of them in this jail this is Oscar cell it’s been reported that when he wasn’t in his cell he’d worked in the prison library and helped other prisoners in the gym although he’s now

Said to be overweight and a chain smoker rever stank Camp’s mother said she accepted his transfer to parole but added in a statement has there been Justice for reiva has Oscar served enough time there can never be Justice if your loved one is never coming back

And no amount of time served will bring Reaver back we who remain behind are the ones serving a life sentence from the start juniberry knew the day would come that uus would be released from prison whether it was after serving his full sentence or whether it was after after

Serving a portion and be released on parole so they’ve always known that they’ve always accepted that they’ve always said that the law must take its course they have respect for the South African justice system a gated mansion in an affluent suburb of Toria the new home for Oscar Pistorius parole terms

Ban him from talking to the media and he must attend therapy and anger management classes he’d shot raver Stan Camp four times through a closed bathroom door their condo exhibit a in his murder trial Pistorius claimed he thought she was an intruder but the judge heard they

Were having an argument and she’d become increasingly scared of him hiding his gun once for fear he’d soon use it that night he did which is where this becomes bigger than just the tale of South Africa’s Infamous Fallen Hero the might of the Wrath of the women it’s estimated that

What happened to R Stan Camp repeats itself here every three hours is enough Stan Camp became a symbol for the country’s women because gender-based violence and femicide has been described by South Africa’s president daughter pmic I am appalled at what is no less than a war that is being waged against the women

And the children of our country despite new policies like a special National Council and recent changes to the domestic violence act progress is slow the causes a deep poverty the legacy of South Africa’s violent Liberation struggle and Rich or poor black or white Antiquated Notions of masculinity to tell you the honest

Truth it makes me sick it makes me angry um and that we have to tell people every day that this is wrong and they know very well that what they’re doing is wrong and so it’s very important especially for us as men in the country because for many years women have been

Alone in the struggle women have been piting marching signing petitions you know and the voice of men has been uh somewhat silent why is it proving so hard to shift the dial in South Africa on gender-based violence I think that um our country lacks accountability um the mere fact that we

Hold the title of rape capital of the world and that we have our our femicide rate is five times higher than the global average um speaks Testament to um I guess the normalization of violence in our country and I think that what we’ve realized or what recognized rather is an

Inconsistency um um in effort towards fighting The Scourge remember her name raver stamp who would have just turned 40 if she hadn’t been shot dead by her boyfriend

The former Paralympian and Olympic athlete Oscar Pistorius has been released on bail from prison in South Africa – almost eleven years since he murdered his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp.

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The case – and the parole decision – has highlighted the wider issue of gender-based violence in South Africa.
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