Israel-Gaza: Patients flee Gaza hospital surrounded by Israeli ‘red zone’

Israel-Gaza: Patients flee Gaza hospital surrounded by Israeli ‘red zone’

Flour tomatoes canned beef essential desperately needed scarce supplies blown up in a car which Israel hit in a strike in Rafa people gather around three were killed and 15 injured we were scared so we ran she says we don’t want the war they bombed the car and we’re scared

We hold America and blink accountable as they helped Israel to kill children they provided the weapons the injured are taken to the Kuwaiti Hospital one of a handful still functioning in Gaza it’s chaotic there aren’t enough supplies and medical staff have been amongst the casualties of the last 3

Months it’s chaos at the al- AXA Hospital in central Gaza 2o these scenes were filmed yesterday as victims of bombardment were brought in but many staff were unable to reach the hospital because of the fighting unfortunately this area is close to an area that was uh evacuated yesterday an evacuation

Order was issued and um they’ve lost a lot of their staff this hospital is currently operating with about 30% of the staff that it had just a few days ago they are seeing in some cases hundreds of casualties every day in a small emergency department today International staff withdrew from the

Hospital because the Israelis were attacking nearby the US Secretary of State landed in Saudi Arabia today the Americans want Gulf countries to pay for gaza’s reconstruction but Arab leaders say Israel must cease fire before any such discussions blink is back in Tel leave tomorrow worried not just about Gaza but

About exchanges of fire across Israel’s border with Lebanon it’s clearly not in the interest of anyone Israel Lebanon Hezbollah for that matter uh to see this uh to see this escalate and to see an actual conflict and the Israelis have been very clear with us that they want

To find a diplomatic Way Forward but do they Israel has been increasing the military pressure on its northern border Israel Defense Force video shows what they say are strikes on Hezbollah military sites today Israel killed a senior Hezbollah Commander wisam tail in southern Lebanon one of a series of hits

On senior hisbah Hamas and Iranian military figures in the region the Israeli Prime Minister was visiting troops in kirat Shimona near the Lebanon border he says overwhelming military force as they’re using against Hamas is the only way to restore security the Americans fear that it will do exactly the

Opposite we will do everything to restore security to the north and allow your families to return because many of you are local to return home safely knowing that we cannot be messed with we will do whatever it takes of course we would prefer that this be done without a

Wider campaign but that won’t stop us we showed hisa the example of what is happening to their friends in the South this is what will happen here in the north too back in Gaza people are fleeing Israeli air strikes and fighting on the ground in the Central

Area they know that where they’re going in the south of the strip is overcrowded and also being bombarded they travel in desperation not in hope the border with Egypt is closed some would cross if they could in the hope of safety and food food but others say this would be ethnic

Cleansing allowing Israel to forcibly transfer Palestinians from their land so this is the end of the line where all they can do is pray that one day this will be over Lindsay Hilson reporting there well earlier I spoke to Tamara alifi from the un’s refugee Agency for Palestine I

Began by asking her about what staff in Gaza are telling her about the situation there I just spoke to my colleagues about an hour ago the situation continues to be very dire if anything it keeps getting worse the Relentless bombardment and the evacuation notices to um the civilians

In Gaza are pushing people further towards the South so everybody nearly 1.9 million people that’s almost 90% of the population in Gaza are all crammed in the southern tip of the Gaza Strip where the infrastructure was uh uh was was ready for uh 280,000 people so nearly

1.4 million people in a in a place that only caters for a quarter million particularly critical at this moment when you talk about infrastructure is hospitals and health care and the situation appears to be devastating now around the alaka hospital the situation of the medical system alog together

Across the Gaza Strip is disastrous according to the World Health Organization 13 of the 36 hospitals are still partially functioning meaning they can barely barely do any surgeries it’s really more like Primary Health Centers the water infrastructure as well everything having to do with Water Sanitation sewage cannot cope with that

Very high density so my colleagues are reporting sewage water even inside our own shelters at unra we’re the largest UN agency the largest humanitarian agency in Gaza and our own shelters are Sheltering around 12,000 people in schools where 500 people share one toilet unit so everything about health

And the health services and the public health situation is a disaster so what needs to be done right now to try and help the most important thing is an immediate humanitarian ceasefire the the second most important thing is an increased access of humanitarian supplies into the Gaza Strip what’s

Going into Gaza now is just a drop in the bucket there is no uh private sector now in Gaza so if anyone has money and they go into a grocery store there’s nothing to buy so 2.2 million people rely completely on humanitarian agencies you talk endlessly about the need for a

Humanitarian ceasefire how close do you get the sense that it might be it doesn’t sound very close our role as a humanitarian agency that advocates for human rights including the right to life our role is to continue pushing so that the hostilities stop people have a respite humanitarian agencies can work

And and and and hopefully there has to be at the end a political solution to that stalemates we were 92 days into this conflict three months into a a war that has displaced most of the population in Gaza this has to stop despite the fact that every time

Agencies like yours give us an assessment of the situation that situation becomes more desperate is anyone listening to you well as long as I can be on Channel 4 as long as you interview me as long as my colleagues from UNICEF speak about the unthinkable needs of children and

Pregnant women my colleagues from the World Health Organization speak about the dire state of the health sector we all together with the media can push and and yet huge numbers of people continue to die including some of your staff there are reports of pregnant women in labor being killed when does this end

This will end when everyone realizes that the losses are all much much bigger than any gains that are being that are being obtained you spoke about pregnant women they’re being killed but they’re also delivering babies and shelters away from hospitals so that is in itself sometimes a miracle that

Babies are born but every time we tell ourselves that these are unsafe deliveries and that in that 21st century why are women still delivering in shelters under the bombing away from hospitals tomor Al Rafi thank you for talking to us today thank you so much

Medical staff and patients have been fleeing from the main hospital in central Gaza, as Israel dropped leaflets warning residents the surrounding area had been designated a red zone.


There’s also been further strikes across the Lebanese border, as a top Hezbollah commander was killed by an Israeli airstrike.

All this as US Secretary of State Antony Blinken visits the region in an effort to reduce tensions.

Warning: This report contains distressing images
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  1. That is why We ordained for the Children of Israel that whoever takes a life—unless as a punishment for murder or mischief in the land—it will be as if they killed all of humanity; and whoever saves a life, it will be as if they saved all of humanity.1 ˹Although˺ Our messengers already came to them with clear proofs, many of them still transgressed afterwards through the land (Qur’an 5:32)

  2. The world should insist that the billionaire Hamas leaders living in Qatar and elsewhere should pay for Gaza reconstruction, seeing as they initiated the Oct 7 attacks, and stole hundreds of millions of dollars, if not billions, intended for ordinary Gazans, for the biggest tunnel network in the world, and their own personal use. And to stand trial for multiple war crimes too numerous to list here. Of course, the UN and world will do no such thing, they're basically useless. They won't even pass any resolution regarding the attack, and Hamas' horrific use of churches, mosques, schools, residences etc. for their own military purposes. Why don't they demand that Hamas surrender and release the hostages. The war would end tomorrow. Maybe this solution is just too obvious for them.

  3. It’s a little known fact but the majority of Hamas fighters are under the age of 5. It is for this reason Israel is specifically targeting this group. These highly trained combatants use their small size to hide behind human shields (typically a parent or a sibling). Israel remains one of the most moral armies in the world and a true light among the nations.

  4. We now know unrwa is Infiltrated by terrorists, numerous id badges found in hamas tunnels. We now who you are. You will seize to exist in Gaza and you will open your trap mouth on video in the safety of Christian nations. We see you

  5. How can a so called moral army bomb medical supplies going to a hospital for people that have been bombed by the IOF. Isnotreal is committing genocide. Say it as it is you hypocritical medial outlets

  6. Just defending themselves against children, hospitals, schools and premature babies? History will not judge the people who ignored this slaughter well.

  7. like you are a joke channel 4.
    you cant stop laying to your pepole.
    you didnt talk abot hamas 1 time, you didnt talk to the pepole in gaza abot hamas and what thay are doing to tham like stealing there food a water from th UN.
    you gast talk your propoganda and that why no one see yoor show news

  8. I always wondered how german people and the world could be silent whilst Hitler committed his atrocities, but watching the brutality against the Palestinians whilst the world watches in silence, answer my question.

  9. The fact that the U.S along with the UK & most other Western governments are willing to give Israel a blank cheque,in regards to holding them accountable for their international crimes is an absolute disgrace & I’m ashamed on behalf of the Tory UK government,as well as the Labour Party’s(“was my party”) pathetic lack of condemnation of Israel & their blatant crimes against humanity is beyond belief.

  10. Hamas can let the hostages go… Hamas can stop sending missiles. Hamas can surrender. The citizens can condemn Hamas for starting this war. This cannot stop until Hamas is defeated. It’s obvious.

  11. Of course this is news from those WHO CURSE ISRAEL, therefore the BIBLE does SAY, THEY SHALL BE CURSED for CURSING Israel. Just wait and see.

  12. Behind darkness, lies light. Behind injustice, awaits the dawn of righteousness. Every shadow of oppression is but a precursor to the brilliance of freedom for the Palestinians people and fairness that will inevitably shine through the region.

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