Israeli minister outlines plans for Gaza after war | BBC News

Let’s turn to the Middle East now where Israel’s defense minister has been outlining his plans for Gaza once its war with Hamas is over it comes almost three months after hamas’s deadly October the 7th attacks on Southern Israel which triggered the conflict under yuav galant’s four corner proposals Hamas would no longer control

Gaza and Israel would retain overall security control a multinational force would take charge of rebuilding Gaza after its widespread destruction in Israeli bombing neighboring Egypt would also have an unspecified role under the plan but Gaza would be run by Palestinian bodies as long as they were not hostile towards Israel while

Fighting in Gaza has continued alongside the plan’s publication the Hamas run Health Ministry says that dozens of people have been killed in the past 24 hours let’s go straight now to our correspondent Yulan Nell who’s in Jerusalem for us so Yulan how does this plan tally with the ideas that the US

Was suggesting for the day after in Gaza well uh Washington which is of course Israel’s closest Ally has been calling consistently for a detailed uh plan for the day after what we have at the moment is really a kind of set of bullet points from the defense minister um but uh

There has been this insistence that it should be Palestinians who are governing uh in Gaza in the future and this plan uh does account for that it says specifically that there will be no Israeli civilian presence in the Gaza Strip at the end of the war um now that

Is important because you’ve had far-right ministers in Israel’s coalition government who have been calling for the return of Jewish settlers to the Gaza Strip and there are some who’ve been calling for the forced displacement of Palestinians and that is something that has um stirred up a lot

Of anger around the region with other Arab countries um also uh with the Americans saying that that talk was inflammatory and irresponsible what about the Palestinians what’s their view on this there’s been relatively little comment uh from the palestin Ians so far uh perhaps because this is really just

The kind of sketch of a plan we are going to have the US Secretary of State Anthony blinkin coming in a few days time and he will be visiting Palestinian leaders in the Palestinian Authority in the occupied West Bank as well as Israeli leaders and we know that in the

Past uh the US has been pushing for the Palestinian Authority kind of a revitalized Palestinian Authority to have a role in the future of Gaza uh the Palestinian Authority is the body that governs parts of the West Bank but on the Palestinian side you know it has proved to be unpopular Palestinians have

Been saying in polls uh that really uh it it would take a kind of a different look to to the makeup of the Palestinian authorities they see at the moment for them to be convinced that it could be uh put in control of the Gaza Strip as well

And how difficult would would it be to assemble the multinational force that Israel is talking about to to how would who would be part of it I mean that of course is still uh to be discussed there’s so much to still to be discussed uh with this plan uh

Perhaps not surprising it’s saying that the US would take a lead role here it has already been so much involved uh in this war but uh I expected they would be looking to International bodies to the UN agencies that already have a big role in getting humanitarian Aid into Gaza um

And already have had historically a long presence in the Gaza Strip to be very involved in the Reconstruction efforts uh but it’s sort of made clear by other statements from the Israeli defense Minister that Israel would insist that it still has Security checks on all materials that are going into Gaza and

There have been calls too for um reinforcement to to stop smuggling across the border with Egypt because there’s a lot of concern about how um Hamas and other armed groups in Gaza have brought in weapons or weapons Parts in the past we know that the Secretary of State as you mentioned earlier

Anthony blinkin is going to be having talks again how is it going because at the moment Israel hasn’t seemed to have listened at all on on the US’s request to try and scale back uh some of the operations in Gaza to try and protect human life and also allow more

Humanitarian Aid in how is that discussion going to go given that Israel hasn’t changed its uh its Methods at the moment well it’s interesting that at the top of the list of what Anthony blinkin says he wants to achieve in this region is the protection of civilians in Israel

The West Bank and Gaza he says and we we know of course that there have been these calls from the US to the intensity of the operations in Gaza because of the high numbers of civilians uh being killed now what we have seen is Israel saying that it’s starting to pull out uh

Some of its Ground Forces its combat troops but at the same time we have seen in recent days still very heavy bombardment um of the Gaza Strip and heavy heavy shelling as well and that is continuing to cause high numbers of Civilian casualties youan n for the latest there from Jerusalem thank you

Very much

Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant has outlined proposals for the future governance of Gaza once the war between Israel and Hamas is over.

There would, he said, be limited Palestinian rule in the territory.

Hamas would no longer control Gaza and Israel would retain overall security control, he added.

Fighting in Gaza continued alongside the plan’s publication, with dozens of people killed in the previous 24 hours, the Hamas-run health ministry said.

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  1. Israel casualties are very low, because over three hundred thousand Israelis have moved outside the areas being bombed. Imagine three hundred thousand people being put up in private homes. Essential workers who stayed know exactly where the bomb shelters are located in the event of sirens sounding.
    People are taking in strangers, putting up families with children, my neighbour has a family of four, two adults two kids in a two bedroom apartment. That is a sacrifice that goes beyond.

  2. Ive just watched a poor man in palistine sit with hes 4 young children after there mother was killed by the occupieing force of isreal
    Over 22000 killed 70 percent women and children nearly 10000 children and 53000 people injured and add all that isreal has killed and injured in there 75 years of occupation isreal USA SHAME SHAME SHAME your days will come !!😤😤
    Free palistine love from Ireland and 153 country's of humanity 🇵🇸 🇮🇪 🌍

  3. Everything Christians need to know about Islam.
    8 Let God's curse fall on anyone, including us or even an angel from heaven, who preaches a different kind of Good News than the one we preached to you. 8 Let me be blunt: If one of us – even if an angel from heaven! – were to preach something other than what we preached originally, let him be cursed.

  4. I have followed this conflict for the last 3 months…
    It never seizes to astonish me how much hatred the state of Israel shows… Their ability for murder and oppression is unmatched in the world.

    It makes me determined to support the Palestinian people in their noble and courageous struggle for freedom and self determination.

  5. I doubt that very much , IDF pulled out of Gaza , US weapons inspectors say that Israel is losing . I guess the USA need to take in the Israeli, no they are not coming to Europe.

  6. I don't see any change figured for the 'Day After': Palestinians will still be under control of Israel, treated/labelled a second-class Palestinian resident. This sets-up the Palestinian peoples for a repeat in their quest for freedom from Israel. Insanity is repeating a thing while expecting a different outcome.

  7. The US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken was absolutely right to criticize Israeli right-wing politicians for suggesting that Israeli settlers should displace Palestinians from Gaza. I think that their position is both untenable and abhorrent. Please pass this on. Joseph P. Grogan.

  8. I don't think Ukraine would accept such a deal from their occupational force. Why would we expect differently from palestinian? That's a glaring double standard..

  9. Don’t trust American now almost Middle East countries don’t want to trust American I follow the conflict from 1970 until today American and western countries don’t want to solve the problem when united nation many times American use veto power to stop united nation now we want to solve the problem don’t bring to united nation solve the problem out side united nation we can ask united nation approve the diction American can’t do fair and square judgement most Jews stay in America the American can’t make any fair and square judgement before Middle East countries have misunderstandings American make use the chance always unfair to Palestinians people and land after three months Israel can’t win the war if husbollah join in war what will happen to Israel that the reason American foreign secretary when to Middle East countries nothing will happen if freedom fighters and husbollah joined hands the victory they hand if they trust America sorry friend another 50 years all Palestinians people and land gone with wind thanks

  10. BBC lying again. No, there havent been high numbers of civilians killed when compared with any ohter war. In fact, the civilian to combatant ratio is the lowest in any war in history. Numbers dont lie.

  11. The whole Israel – Palestine Issue is a rehash of 19th century European colonialism/ imperialism/British colonialist project aided and abetted by Churchill who saw nothing wrong with superior races replacing inferior ones; examples he gave was America and Australia. Theodor Hertzl, founder of Political Zionism was a staunch follower of European imperialist goals and an admirer of British colonialism, as well as being a fervent German by culture. Though Israel was not in Europe, would certainly be of Europe and be connected with all of Europe. He also corresponded with Cecil Rhodes and was willing to identify Zionism with white settlerdom. An outpost of civilization as opposed to barbarism; a bulwark against Asia – Zionist Writings – Class Origins of Zionist Ideology – Stephen Halbrook; Bulwark Against Asia: Zionist Exclusivism and Palestinian Responses – Nora Scholtes.

  12. Raz Segal, an Israeli historian and genocide scholar, has called Israel's assault "a textbook case of genocide," which is defined under international law as "a crime committed with the intent to destroy a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group, in whole or in part."

    Raz Segal is an Israeli historian residing in the United States who is Associate Professor of Holocaust and Genocide Studies and Endowed Professor in the Study of Modern Genocide at Stockton University,

  13. The opressor has a plan for the future of the Palestinians? Wouldn’t be that the primate of the Palestinians? Colonial thinking in TelAviv, the supremacists want to exterminate the Palestinians after stealing their land and their homes. A huge anachronism supported by the US and former colonial states like my own (The Netherlands). This conflict will be the beginning of the decline in Western hegemony I think. This policy of the West is doomed to fail, while the principle of racism is wrong.

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