Inside Gaza: The reality of being displaced in Rafah

Inside Gaza: The reality of being displaced in Rafah

Every day more people flee their homes – and often have to flee again.

Tens of thousands more Gazans have become refugees as fighting intensifies across the centre and south, driving families closer to the Egyptian border. With limited space, many live in makeshift tents, prompting warnings from the World Health Organization of an impending humanitarian catastrophe.

Israel won’t allow international journalists into Gaza to report first hand – but Yousef Hammash, a Gazan film maker and advocacy officer for the Norwegian Refugee Council, has sent us his eyewitness account of life in the southern town of Rafah.

  1. Not sorry… Why won't Arab countries accept them, while Europe has to to accept 'refugees' from all over the world? Are they planning to live in Gaza until their population exceeds 10 million? ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ Israel is not going anywhere, so "from the river to the sea" is not gonna happen. Ever.

  2. The Suez Canal Crisis demonstrated that the US has the right to defend its business, foreign, and political interest by telling an ally, "No."

    Continuing to allow this conflict drag on with no resolution won't help either the White House or Number 10 during an election year.

    Putin and Netanyahu are likely buying time and using active combat to remain on office.

    The continued bombing of Gaza can't continue without America's diplomatic, economic, and military aid to Isreal, and the UN Security Council veto.

    It's time to start being more assertive with the IDF. The only thing Netanyahu is running is his mouth.

  3. How can people believe Isra el from now on ,they displaced Gaza people to the south saying that it is safe place than they bombared them there .
    They said that they didnโ€™t bombard the Maamadani hospital than after they bombared many hospitals.
    They said they want to free the hostages and when h ms wanted to trade the hostages they said no.
    They said they are targeting h m s and than we found out that they are targeting civilians, more than 20000people children ,women have died doctors ,journalists ,ambulance ,nursesโ€ฆ itโ€™s tooo much I canโ€™t believe that this brutality is happening in 2024 .shame on humanity shame on you, shame on us ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”

  4. Insha'Allah Palestinian children will have a better future, the IDF killing the Palestinian children so they won't have any future as long we have Allah in our side nothing is going to happen to the Palestinian people inshallah ๐Ÿคฒ๐Ÿ™

  5. I donโ€™t get tired writing these lines:
    Palestinians are out of this world in bravery and courage. May Allah free Palestine, Kashmir and Rohingya.

  6. Beloved precious souls! We deeply understand your grief since we also have suffered the same like you in our country from our childhood. Please humble yourself, fast, pray, and ask sincerely who your one and only Creator is and He will manifest Himself to you.

    We all, irrespective of which religion, commit sins because we do not even know who our one and only longsuffering, merciful, forgiving Creator is. The one and only Creator of all human beings is first of all holy. And therefore, He is wrathful against the unholy sins of any of His human children, let it be me or you. On judge ment day, no matter which religion I or you profess to be, anyone who has not given up our unholy sins against our one and only holy Creator, will be cast into the fire which burns to be torm ented forever and ever day and night. May the Judge of our souls have mercy on us!

  7. Then dont attack Isreal. Show where Isreal were killing gaza people before this conflict? With proof. And why wasnt it shown to the World if such killings were happening? And Allah isnt going to do anything, allah doesnt exist. Ok heres an experiment ask Allah for 1 million of your currency to just appear in front of you. Nothing happened right? Yeh because praying does nothing. So stop doing it. People of Palestine brought this upon themselves because yet again of Islamic extremism fanatics then act like the victim. The World has had enough of this poisonous cult called Islam.

  8. It looks like Israel is performing the function that England put them there for and that the US continues to fund them doing very well. They are doing an excellent job disrupting the Middle East. Too bad that it is such an immoral function. What a waste of life!
    When will our governments learn to just talk? Such selfish babies. Maybe we need to stop only electing the very rich. Look how out of touch with modern morallity they are. To them we are all just a bunch of numbers or chess pieces.

  9. Boycott Israel they are all in someone else's country because of their religious beliefs no because America wanted them to be Guardians of their nuclear weapons America is the United nations they are there not because of palestine people but afraid of Arabs and Muslims they dont want someone who beliefs in God more than the do to have nuclear weapons ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  10. FACTS: Gaza is apartheid. West Bank is apartheid. Lebanon is apartheid.
    NO JEWS ALLOWED TO LIVE THERE. Most Christians have been kicked out in recent years.
    ISRAEL: 6.1 million Jews, 1.6 million Muslims and 300k Christians; all with equal rights. Black brown white and everyone in between. Arab Muslims are in the Knesset (Israeli congress) and serve as judges.

    Where in ANY MUSLIM COUNTRY can a Jew serve?

  11. May God be with every child, innocent souls

  12. My Lord J.ESUS Christ Returns, repent of sin and OBEY the LAW of the Father…ย ,,,,ย  Y..A,,H.. is a egipt DEMON, BEWARE … (HalleluJAH is a PAGAN word)

  13. Albert Einstein described the proposed creation of Israel as something which conflicted with โ€œthe essential nature of Judaism.โ€ by Yvonne Ridley MEMO MIDDLE EAST MONITOR

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